Finally got rid of my guests and got around to fault diagnosing the charging system on my CR. Always had a technical blind spot with electricity - after all, you can’t see it and it can kill you!! I fumbled my way through the manual. Results:
- Rec/Reg output voltage - engine running, voltmeter reads 13.1 and does not increase when revs are increased. Voltage actually starts to drop = Rec/Reg defective or Alternator output insufficient.
- Alternator Insp - checked voltage via Alternator cable. At tick over 23v (low - should be approx 34v). Higher up the rev range though, voltage increases incrementally to max of 55-60v from a handful of throttle. Stator resistance is within spec (0.3-0.4 ohm) = Alternator functioning correctly (?). Rec/Reg suspect.
- Rec/Reg Insp - checked via Rec/Reg cable* - Lead connections N1 and B26 read ‘0‘ ohms, in relation to any other connection. All readings between B111, B112 and B113 read ‘1.2 - 1.3‘ ohms. These readings appear strange and are clearly out of spec (if I’m measuring correctly) = Rec/Reg is toast (?)
* Not sure why we are checking resistance (and therefore Rec/Reg serviceability) through the cable and not the unit itself?
. Is this correct, or should I be checking the Rec/Reg unit connection?
In conclusion, (I think) I need a new Rec/Reg. I understand we have identified a provider - detail would be appreciated. You can probably tell that I am not 100% confident in my results!! Any feedback would be gratefully received.
Steve ‘definitely not auto electrician competent’ Spencer