Ignition problem

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With a Starter motor working you must have a good enough earth from the crankcases back to the battery, my thoughts after the event still is that a earth direct from the head to the starter earth (not the battery in case its called to take the starter load) as a painted barrel with a gasket would not be 100% reliable for electricity.
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The thing is I have lost confidence in these copied coils and I won't be re using them
The bike is now running fine on antique coils, antique Rita
Run an earth wire directly from the head back to the +ve terminal on the battery, my OEM harness developed an issue with the std earth path and the Boyer equipped bike dropped to only running one spark, adding the wire restored full sparks. Took a week to find the issue, changed all the ignition parts including boyer box and rotor/stator and then had a random thought and added the wire and it worked. The harness is now gone, replaced by a new one but I suspect the earth wire was down to a few stands and could only support one spark not two (wasted spark). During my tests the left would only fire if the right side plug was not connected, as soon as I reconnected the right side the left stopped sparking.

I have run into this same phenomena. But I run the ground from the oil filter mount so it stays intact.
Today I fitted a pair of genuine PVL 6v coils to my commando
I hope they last longer than the Taiwanese ones approx 1 1/2 years
And maybe as long as the Lucas ones 47 years
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