Ignition. Here we go again!!! Tri Spark??

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I'm quite convinced it was the Tri Spark units. I had three of them fail me at about 2500 miles.
Certainly I checked the other potential suspects on the Norton.
What finalised it for me was upon fitting the Pazon Altair after an ignition problem just a mile from home.
I immediately changed it for the Pazon that I already had in readiness.
Roared up the road and enjoyed a 200 mile ride.

Three years on and no dubious ignition woes.
Just looked the Altair up. The price is very good (converts to £121). But the pic of the amplifier box looks like there's a mass of wires coming from it. Hard to see in the one photo I could find but it looks as if there must be about 10 wires! I can't figure out where they can possibly all go. I'm hoping the photo is misleading, as the way it looks is ridiculous.
Tigernut said:
Just looked the Altair up. The price is very good (converts to £121).But the pic of the amplifier box looks like there's a mass of wires coming from it. Hard to see in the one photo I could find but it looks as if there must be about 10 wires! I can't figure out where they can possibly all go.

An old trick for slipping tapers is a thin smear of fine valve grinding paste. Probably better than silicone.
The thread in the PW3 camshaft is not very good quality so you need to check that the screw is pulling down on the rotor. The Trispark works out at £160 in the UK direct from Steve Kelly
The Pazon actually just has power, ground, and coil plus the pair that goes to the trigger. They also provide one for an electronic tach that I just coiled up.

Got one and am very happy with it. It must be the advance curve that flattens out off idle as it runs smoother than it did with an analogue Boyer.
grandpaul said:
Most electrical problems are carb related...

(or battery)

hehehe........ great line,
like most carb problems are fuel related. :wink:
I see Pazon have the Altair available again - the Commando version was "sold out" for quite some months.
They have changed the rotor design. Perhaps others found, as we did, that the original could be very sensitive to rotor alignment. For my case perhaps not helped by mounting to a PW3 if grippers comment above is correct.
I have a problem with my Trispark that has been ongoing since rally in NC...It quit sparking and I bought a Pazon for it and installed while on trip....We checked all possibilities for no spark and found nothing...Whe I got home I reinstalled it and ran suggested check which included holding test button in while turning ignition on to see if plugs spark, and they did...Then turned engine over to see if red light came on at right time and it did...Put the plugs back in and it ran fine...Took out for a ride and lost spark within 5 miles of home...Ran spark test on road and it started fine again and got me home..Rode for a few days and lost spark again..same scenario..Have been running the Pazon for about 800 miles now and no problems...Waiting to here from vendor and Steve at Trispark...Hopefully they will be able to give me some guidance here...I love this ignition when it is working...
Beach said:
I have a problem with my Trispark that has been ongoing since rally in NC...It quit sparking and I bought a Pazon for it and installed while on trip....We checked all possibilities for no spark and found nothing...Whe I got home I reinstalled it and ran suggested check which included holding test button in while turning ignition on to see if plugs spark, and they did...Then turned engine over to see if red light came on at right time and it did...Put the plugs back in and it ran fine...Took out for a ride and lost spark within 5 miles of home...Ran spark test on road and it started fine again and got me home..Rode for a few days and lost spark again..same scenario..Have been running the Pazon for about 800 miles now and no problems...Waiting to here from vendor and Steve at Trispark...Hopefully they will be able to give me some guidance here...I love this ignition when it is working...

Wow! It seems like a lot of work to keep uninstalling/reinstalling it when you have one that works. Why?
To verify it is a bad unit before I go to the expense to return to Steve in Australia for testing...And if he doesn't find a problem there is a charge for checking...
Beach said:
To verify it is a bad unit before I go to the expense to return to Steve in Australia for testing...And if he doesn't find a problem there is a charge for checking...

Ah Ha!
aries, I had the same symptoms you described with my Trispark, tried everything, intermittent spark

I did two things that have totally eliminated ignition issues

1) ran a wire direct from the negative battery terminal to a toggle switch I mounted below the keyed ignition on that left frame tube and from there direct to the Trispark coil, bypassing potential current problems through the keyed ignition and existing wiring harness

2) removed all grounds that I had secured to frame and extended ground wires straight back to the positive ground battery terminal

problems solved for good, my guess is that the old adage of frame grounding is as good as battery grounding is just not true as there are too many potential bad frame ground points what with paint, etc
I sent trigger unit back to Australia to have them check and they looked at it right away and found a fault...There will be a new unit on the way to me tomorrow..
Has anybody had a later [ upgraded ] model Trispark fail on them ?
I had 2 failed units , but the latest one has done many trouble free miles .
Mine was 2 years old and had the test button but not sure if it's the latest version..
dero wrote;
Has anybody had a later [ upgraded ] model Trispark fail on them ?
I had 2 failed units , but the latest one has done many trouble free miles .

I've got the latest version last year I think it was and all is well up to now. I previously had two early failed units.

If I go abroad or away for a few days riding I still take the Boyer's stator plate and magnetic trigger plate with me so that I could cobble it up to get me home if the latest Trispark chooses to fail. I leave the Boyer black box on the frame all of the time. Having said that, when I bought the latest type, Steve Kelly told me that up to that point in time there had been no known failures. Fingers crossed. :lol: :lol:
I had one of the new units fail without warning when it was about a year old, that was about six months ago, supposedly due to a faulty sensor, the replacement seems OK but it is always at the back of your mind about how easily one can get stranded. The old points system had some advantages.
I fitted a trispark about 8 weeks ago, From the start it misfired at above 4000. a repeating momentary complete cut in ignition. Refitted the old Boyer, no issues. returned the stator to trispark who said "no fault found but we'll replace it anyway. (three weeks turn round and £11:50 postage) Refitted it and strobed the timing, starts easily tick-over is solid. same fault. 6v coils, copper leads, resistor caps, N7Y plugs. now wired direct from the battery via a switch to see if that works. I'll get back to you.
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