Help a daughter Help her dad get started

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Mr Yacenda,
I was humbled to be of assistance w/ the fathers day suprise.
I have a 24 y/o girl who is a free spirited child so I can appreciate her enthusiasm and love for her dad.
I was astounded to gloss over the 1973 triples article and see you as a test pilot for the Norton model.
That must be cool looking back now as everything is so commericialized now. Back then a regular guy had a shot at something like that.
That will be bed time stories for grandchildren to come for years.
So the Mrs was right there in the thick of the racing days very cool I must add.
I sent a pic of my 1972 to motivate you and as a stock reference bike should you be in need of a template.
1972 was a stellar year for Norton with all the hype around the combat w/ both success and failure all at once.
I like my combat it is the Mysterious Norton people heard of but know so little about.
I would love to had a crack at test driving the new Norton in 1972-73 problem wasI was 10 and florida was the only state you
could drive under 16 think it was 15 in the 70's sure there were others?
Welcome to the forum as stated earlier.
Love to see the Norton come alive again.
I have some 1972 take offs that were not up to show buy rider useable if you find you are missing something.
I'd rather see them on another bike then sitting in a box.
When you dig out the old girl how about a snapshot of family w/ ride?
Again enjoyed being invited into your world.
Stay connected. :mrgreen:
Thee Marshal
Bob, Hope to see ya at the Orange County Bike Meet this month. There are a lot of great bikes and people that attend this meet on the second Sunday of the month at 2:00 Take care, Chuck.

there is so much info available now to make a combat a very reliable ride compared to when they were new. I have a combat that I have put 26,000 trouble free miles on. if you do your research and the proper mods than it will be a wonderful old girl to enjoy and bring back fond memories of a time when life seemed simpler. this forum (and i follow several) is without a doubt the best for good info and some wonderful people. it is amazing how free the information flows here and the ideas that have been bantered about if this or that is a proper fix or bodge.
Hi Marshal!

So yes and no. I do think the fire has been lit under the toosh. :) I am seeing a slow (okay, very slow) progress on the clearing of the garage, but it is clearing. But he's told me a few times that he's itching to get back to it (unprompted) and I believe him.

Unfortunately, Murphy's law keeps showing up and him and I have been unable to attend the local Vintage Motorcycle club meets. However, we did go to a showing at a local place by us. I finally got to see a completed Norton Commando up close and personal. We also got to see the last Norton Commando. The Norton Commando 961SE that claimed the land speed record. THAT was pretty cool. My dad was so cute... he wanted me take a photo of it :P

We also found out that in Dec. there is going to be a Catalina Grand Prix. I'm thinking it would be a blast to go.
beachbum said:
Hi Marshal!

So yes and no. I do think the fire has been lit under the toosh. :) I am seeing a slow (okay, very slow) progress on the clearing of the garage, but it is clearing. But he's told me a few times that he's itching to get back to it (unprompted) and I believe him.

Unfortunately, Murphy's law keeps showing up
I can relate to that. When I dug my bikes out 2 years ago and found and joined this site I fully expected to have at least one bike running by the next summer. Didn't happen and now a second one has passed. Some times life gets in the way. However I can see daylight at the end of the tunnel and I know once we get started there'll be no looking back!
I spent years getting ready. Plating, sorting, all kinds of things, but then when I got the motor back together this last winter and the frame powder coated, the whole thing went together this last summer. It was a good trip.

Hey Beachbum, A week from Sunday on Nov. 14, will be the next meet of the Vintage bike group, Come bring your Dad. Me and the wife are going to the Gran Prix at Catalina next month, They ended it in 1958 and this will be the first time it has been run since then, They have a few classes of vintage bikes too. Should be fun, I'm sure your Dad would enjoy that also. Keep pushing your Dad and once he gets started working on it there will be no stopping him. :wink:
Ah rehabilitative therapy through a strong Norton based board offering encouragement.
No Norton left behind in 2011.
That's the change I want for America.
You California folks get all the nice weather :cry:
Oh cool thanks for the update on the next meeting. I'll definitely try to make it. Actually the more I think about it it may work out perfect. I'll invite him over in the morning to my place to help repaint my place and then take him over there for a thank you lunch :twisted: :mrgreen:

And oh my gawd!! Murphy's law just reared his head one more time so bummed!! I was in the middle of making arrangements for the Catalina trip when it hit me why Dec 4th kept ringing a bell. It's the UCLA vs USC game that day! And yes, I have tickets. (Go BRUINS!!) Maybe I'll look into just going up the 5th now.
No Norton left behind? Dang, the election is over and I find the perfect write in candidate.

Hey Beachbum,
Maybe you should find a Norton for yourself and start rebuilding it!

L.A.B. said:
Apparently, "Newcastle Brown Ale" is available in the USA?:

Help a daughter Help her dad get started

Yes it is.

Beachbum, if you are able to sneak into the storage locker to take a gander at the bike, take some pics with your phone and post them up here. If you don't have a Photobucket account, set one up. It's free. Send your phone pics to your email, save the images to your computer, click "Show in Folder" and drag-and=drop the pics to the Photobucket uploader. Those images can then be copied and pasted here to give everyone a better idea of what you'll be dealing with.
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