So sorry it took me so long to get back on here. My hard drive decided to conk out when I tried to get on the computer Monday.
So Father's day was a hit!!! Thank you to everyone that helped me. I don't think I'll ever be able to top this one.
We kind of combined his birthday present and his fathers day into one day.
First was his birthday present. A flight lesson! I got to go up with him and at first I kinda wished I had a parachute with me hahaha For all the local people he got to fly out to Catalina and back.. the ride was BEAUTIFUL!
Oh and it was awesome cause on the way to the airport we saw some guy in Huntington Beach riding his Norton motorcycle!! What perfect timing!
OK so now the part that you all care about. When we got back to my parents I set up his little gift basket.
I included the following:
Roy Bacon's
Norton Twins book
CD containing the Ellen Jamesians's "Norton Commando" song
On Any Sunday DVD
Classic Bike Guide- Special Norton Issue
1973 Cycle Magazine that my Dad was in
Norton shirt
Ceramic mug that I made and painted a 1973 Norton Commando on it
Whitworth 8 piece wrench set
Norton Commando Manual (with awesome photo's of Marshal's bike)-thanks Marshal!!
12 pack of Guiness
I put all of this in an galvanized oil pain or catchall thing
Here's a picture of all of it
Marshal- my mom wants go give you a big ol hug and say thank you! She was impressed by your kindness
So giving this gift to my dad was awesome! First thing he did was throw on the shirt ... thank goodness it fit
So it turns out that he already has the Magazine that he was in (I should have figured.) In fact he went to the garage and brought out this box with all his clipping and magazines. My god he was in a lot of them!! Go Dad! It was cool I saw pictures of him when he was my age and younger. And saw the photo's of him actually racing.
Side note: I about croaked when I found out where all his stuff was in the garage. I looked EVERYWHERE except that one box!
Of course he was stoked on the beer and the mug that I made him. Though he has to at least pretend to on the latter.
When he was looking at the Classic Bike Guide I was grinning ear to ear cause my mom wanted to go do something but he didn't want to put it down. In fact I guess he knew the guy Peter Williams that was featured on the front cover as well as some other names that were in the magazine.
Of course later that day we all sat down to watch On Any Sunday. I love the narration on it :lol: Turns out two of the guys in the movie even asked out my mom! But, she was already dating my dad. Oh I think I'll just throw this out as an awesome fact. Apparently my mom was asked to be one of the Norton ad girls! But she was too shy and turned them down. Lemme tell you I bet she's regretting it now hahaha I mean I'm even kicking her for it
All in all he loved the gift. I knew what the final response would be. "I'll start working on them when I have room in the garage". AHHHHHH those fated words! It's like when I was little and my mom would say "Once you clean your room we'll head off to Disneyland." Oh I wanted to go in the worst way but DAMN my room was messy and I did NOT want to clean it.
Oh and he asked me to return the wrenches because he already thought I spent to much money on him that day. He also said he still had the wrenches that the Norton's came with.
I actually got the biggest joy from the gift the next day. I got a call from my dad asking me if I returned the wrenches yet (of course I didn't as I am a procrastinator) It turns out that he wants me to bring them back. I got the impression that he did some research on this site and realized he needed them

So the joy didn't end there. When I went to his house to drop them off I went to the garage and I noticed a chunk of the garage already cleaned up!!! Now
that's when I knew my gift was a TRUE success
Oh I'm hoping to get to the Beach Burger in HB with my dad to see the vintage motorcycles.
Again thank you to everyone that helped me out

You guys/girls ROCK!