Help a daughter Help her dad get started

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I'm partial to Bass Ale come w/ a Brit colored label too.
That's when I'm not sippin No.7. :mrgreen:
MarshalNorton said:
I'm partial to Bass Ale come w/ a Brit colored label too.
That's when I'm not sippin No.7. :mrgreen:

Marshall, at 53, I gave up Jack and Stoli for good a few years ago... I don't miss the Stoli!
Ok Lady and Gents,
I sent the young lady a shop manual and some motivatimg pics of my roadster. Manual covers 1970-1974.
Odds are his bike is in this range She thinks its a roadster.
If you can think of anything else chime in and PM her she is a really nice young lady.
She really wants her dad to enjoy his motorcycle experience again.
We gotta tall order here but I think once he sees all the riders who came to her aid he'll realize what a great
fraternal thing we have.
You can't stop the magic 8)
Thee Marshal
A weaker man be hospitalized
Beachbum, If you need any help or your Dad does let me know as your not far from me, Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I was away riding my 75 Roadster in the desert and the High Sierra. Your Dad is just gonna love this I know, I have re-built two of these bikes now and have a little bit of know how and might be able to help. There are a bunch of guys in the area that ride and also a club he could join just for Norton's. Let me know If there is anything I can do, Chuck. :wink:
now that's what I'm talkin about.
Glad she has some local talent to assist.
I don't think she was going to fly me to Long Beach anytime soon. :lol:
As for your earlier response regarding No7 its an annual pilgrimage between me and No.7 w/ some buds once a year.
Body won't allow for the previous weekly consumption :roll:
The ridin out your way must be to die for I'm jealous.

Marshal as you know, you're the best!! :D

Chuck, thank you and I actually hope I get to take you up on that offer.
I actually saw that some vintage motorcycle club meets in Huntington on the 13th of June so I'm going to try to take him there for lunch.... a little appetizer for his Father's Day gift. :D

You know what I am also so excited about... the fact that my dad has NO idea about what an awesome month he has coming up. First is his birthday, I talked my mom into going halvesies with me and getting him a flight lesson... and then fathers day with all this motorcycle stuff. (Okay, okay... I'll come clean I AM awesome! hahaha) Naw, he doesn't usually have it this good, :( .. just that finally received my winnings from the March Madness tournament (b.t.w. I didn't watch a single game during the season :P )

Oh yeah, I saw some wrenches in his garage they said "Spearhead" made in England. Are those the same as the Whitworth wrenches?

The meet on the 13th is the Vintage Bike O.C. I'll be there as I have been going to this for a few years now, Great group of guys and some really awesome machines. There are Norton's there almost every month, Sometimes 3 or 4 show up. I'll talk to ya more about it but it's time to leave work now, Yee Haa!!!!
thank you for the kind words.
The spearhead wrenches are whitworth wrenches.
There was usually several of these included w/ a tool bag that came w/ the bike when new.
Chances are he has the basic set that came w/ the bike.
A nice set of 3/8" sockets in whitworth work great for almost everything you will do to maintain the machine
Some special tools are needed for engine overhaul. Not even salty riders have all these as how often do they get used?
As he progresses you can get him different tools as needed.
If it just needs to be refreshed maybe you can have a shop familar w/ Nortons pick up bike and bring it back road ready.
Can you get it away w/o him knowing for a week or so?
Maybe Chuck , HortonsNortons can put you in touch w/ such a shop.
Just remember to wear your Norton Shirt and hold up a big sign saying "over here" so Chuck can find you at the meet. :lol:
Whatever It takes she has our help, Right? For myself I am glad to be close. Someone once said "Let's get er done" That's my motto. Thanks be being onboard Marshal, You Rock.
Thanks Bro,
I gotta free surf lesson if I ever get to Long Beach.
Hopefully it is transferable so you can benefit.
By the time I get to Ca I'll be too old to surf and drag my oxygen at the same time :lol:
PS let me know what year her dads ride is
Thee Marshal
I believe the suprise is scheduled for fathers day june 20th.
I sent her the complete factory shop manual covering through 1973.
Should get him back on the road in no time.
Her father was a test driver for Norton in an article covering a Norton shootout with some of the
other hot bikes in the day in a motorcycle magazine from around 1973.
He was involved in the day and hopefully his daughter can rekindle the spark.
She wants to learn and wrench beside him.
We all should be so fortunate to have a son/daughter interested in our Norton.
My 16 y/o boy told me its a cool bike dad, but he doesn't even know how to start it.
She will keep us posted as far as I know :wink:
Hey beachbum,
send me a PM. I also live in Orange County. If I can get about 5 minutes with the bike, I can get all the numbers everyone else has been asking for so we can narrow down your search a bit.
Calibigbird- Thanks so much for the offer. The thing is this I have NEVER even seen the bikes. They are in my uncles storage and by now there is no time to set up a time with him to check them out. Oh and since you live in the area do you know where I could by Whitworth wrenches? I want to buy them locally in case my dad already has some and wants to return or exchange them

Marshal- Thanks for replying for me and answering their questions :P I've been away from the comp for some time now :mrgreen: And yes I'm planning on keeping everyone updated... his pile of presents are starting to pile up.. hope my mom's not jealous :|

Horton's Norton- Unfortunately I won't be showing up to Beach Burger with my dad on Sunday. I got invited to go to the River and..well.. its the River, so maybe I'm not THAT good of a daughter hahaha But I am planning on bringing him next month.

Brian K- Yup thats the one :)
That's OK, There will be plenty of more meets this summer, I'm sorry I have not got back to you with a supplier for the wrenches. I need to call around and find someone close by that would allow returns. How cool that Brian found that story, Hope you have a great time at the river. Be good, LOL, take care. Chuck.
I don't know exactly where you are but I have a buddy (Tim at Trophy Motorcycles in San Diego) who probably has those in stock. I can ABSOLUTELY vouch for Tim, he's a stand-up guy (plus his hair changes color regularly and that's entertaining).
4952 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92115
(619) 286-1800

Chuck- Awww you don't actually have to call I would have done that. And don't stress to much about it. Although I'd like to include the wrenches I don't want to burden you with anything.

Uncliviny- Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that store is a little far for me to go to with the time I have before Fathers Day. I'll mention the store to him though if I don't get some before then and maybe if he needs we could drive down later.

Ok another question about my gift basket. Any suggestions on what the "basket" should be. I'm thinking a tool box but he doesn't really need anotherone is there anything else a motorcycle person may need that could be turned into the "basket" part.
maybe you could fit everything in a tank bag or a little leather tool roll like some harley people use? Sure someone has some pics to post if you don't know what these are.
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