I can go one better Pete ! by time we hit HS graduation year Nolan (buddy’s real name) was elected student council Pres. ..... our school had largest enrolment (1400) in Province covered huge area of central Nova, anyway every year down in Halifax they have a big charity event/dinner to raise funds for disabled young people .... tickets were and still are very expensive , organizers bring sports celebs to boost ticket sales , that particular year Bobby Orr and a couple other notable Canadian Athletes were the draw , Nolan asked our HS Principal if he and council vice Pres. could spend council money and attend , answer of course was no , I mentioned in passing that anyone could copy Principals signature .... low and behold a car load of us got to go and meet Orr in person , quite a night .... when shit hit fan , none of us would comment and the pressure just kinda faded away ... Prolly race and embarrassment played a role in outcome , still get a laugh at the audacity of our youth ... ... here another I mentioned the tourney in Boston , we Players were expected to fund raise the cost of tickets which we gladly did with bottle drives , we would get someone with a drivers permit we too young , borrow a half ton truck and go door to door , made lots of money... so after the official fund raising ended we continued for one more Saturday a bunch of us arranged for a truck and driver , worked our asses off all day , sold bottles and ended up with enough cash for 12qts of beer 2x40oz bottles of rum plus some coke-cola for mix plus $10 cash each to get us to the Horse dance that night , memorable for sure haha! ...never ever got any feed back on that escapade ....