Crackheads Unite!
Nationwide the wonderous offerings of the EV charging station are going down like so many dominoes, yet another aspect of the EV craze shoved upon the driving public that no one considered.
Don't just accept my research...check for yourself.
From NPR :
So unlike petroleum, which gets huge tax breaks for exploration, refining, shipping and even military support when necessary?I can hardly wait till SOMEONE manages to end all "green" subsidies with U.S.taxpayer money.
THEN you will see which "green" stuff can survive on it's MERITS.
(but I'm not holding my breath or hunger striking)
I'm not for taxpayer support of petro fuels, but I like them 100% better than electricity for vehicles.So unlike petroleum, which gets huge tax breaks for exploration, refining, shipping and even military support when necessary?
"natural causes" or "Act of God", I'm sure...There's a massive fire burning Saturday night at a fuel company in Epping, New Hampshire.
The Exeter Fire Department (X) said around 5:15 p.m. that firefighters had responded with mutual aid to 76 Depot Road in Epping, the listed address for North Atlantic Fuels.
The fire involves multiple oil tankers, according to the fire department.
There was no immediate word on any injuries, or what may have caused the fire.
"...runs on DIESEL (AND) electricity"
Enough is enough with these sodding things!!
"...runs on DIESEL (AND) electricity"
Because diesel is reliable, electricity is not (in vehicles).