EV drawbacks

And we have another one igniting in a home....big responding effort, and ending with a police escort during haul away....

Remember CARB being the first to address automotive polution, California smog?

Turns out it was the chrome plated MUFFLERS that caused the hazard. Who knew?
EV drawbacks
EV drawbacks
I can hardly wait till SOMEONE manages to end all "green" subsidies with U.S.taxpayer money.

THEN you will see which "green" stuff can survive on it's MERITS.

(but I'm not holding my breath or hunger striking)
So unlike petroleum, which gets huge tax breaks for exploration, refining, shipping and even military support when necessary?
At least in this country the subsidy only applied up to a certain price level - a base model Tesla for instance was in but other models not.
We have just had a change of Govt and elec vehicle subsidies are gone now.
There's a massive fire burning Saturday night at a fuel company in Epping, New Hampshire.

The Exeter Fire Department (X) said around 5:15 p.m. that firefighters had responded with mutual aid to 76 Depot Road in Epping, the listed address for North Atlantic Fuels.

The fire involves multiple oil tankers, according to the fire department.

There was no immediate word on any injuries, or what may have caused the fire.



  • EV drawbacks
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There's a massive fire burning Saturday night at a fuel company in Epping, New Hampshire.

The Exeter Fire Department (X) said around 5:15 p.m. that firefighters had responded with mutual aid to 76 Depot Road in Epping, the listed address for North Atlantic Fuels.

The fire involves multiple oil tankers, according to the fire department.

There was no immediate word on any injuries, or what may have caused the fire.

"natural causes" or "Act of God", I'm sure...
Before anyone jumps on me about the previous post, it is similar to the old "Boyer ignitions fail a lot" statement I used to stupidly say. AFTEER STUDYING, I found out there were several hundred times as many Boyer ignitions as all the others combined.

So, I'm talking about EV failures being VERY prominent/predominant as a factor of "installed base" numbers.
"...runs on DIESEL (AND) electricity"


Because diesel is reliable, electricity is not (in vehicles).

I have been on these busses, and in the North Woolwich area - my work sometimes took me that way. The busses pull away from the bus stop on the electric motor, the diesel engine then starts once the bus is moving.

The authorities in London have become very keen on emissions control, maybe not unreasonably - London is very congested and the air can be badly polluted, largely with diesel fumes. I would guess that the purpose of these types of bus is to prevent an idling engine from generating exhaust fumes while people get off & on the things. And that a diesel engine probably outputs an extra amount of exhaust when pulling a vehicle away from the bus stop, so starting on the electric motor avoids that. London busses may stop and start every 100yds or so.

Some years ago one particularly stupid London politician wanted to do away with double decker busses, and they were replaced with 'bendy busses'. These were extra long, like a coach with a trailer, and were diesel powered. they were withdrawn from use ~20 years ago when they had a propensity for bursting into flames, so its not just an electric vehicle thing.

Elon Musk developed the worlds perfect snob brand product. The Tesla was expensive and by design exclusive. It was the car for rich people with a second or maybe a third car. It was a car that beautiful people could feel good about driving. They could drive it and feel holy, clean and better then the great unwashed masses in their gas and diesel cars. It was all great when sales volumes were low and as a result accidents and fires were infrequent as well. Then brands that no one wanted in the EV market hitched their wagon to the "green" marketing bus. Governments got in on the act and progressive activists demanded EVs for everyone. Sales volumes went up. Then wheels came off. Highly publicized accidents such as the Fremantle Highway incident raised questions about EV safety. It turns out that far from being the environmental savior everyone hoped for EVs are very heavy and can damage existing infrastructure, cause mining disasters at scale, can't be repaired by a regular garage, wicked expensive to fix when damaged, can't be salvaged with normal established processes and can be a massive fire risk. Who knew? The whole exercise might go down as one of the worlds biggest product disasters.