Another thread gone off into the weeds just the way god planned it.
Ha Ha ! Schwany !
As the original author of the initial diatribe, (never expected replies to reach 100)
I've sat back and watched the evolution of it.
As it's been 1 week to the day today...
I'm reminded of a grade school activity, at
maybe 7 or 8 years old. My class was small, maybe 19 or 20 of us young hooligans.
We all sat in a row and the first hooligan had the teacher whisper something in his or
her hooligan's ear. They then proceeded to whisper what was said to them to the next
one, etc., on down the line. By the time it reached the final hooligan, it was the complete
antithesis of the original statement. Now, don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed it, checking
in incrementally, and watched it develop.
My comments and observations were meant to be more about the lack of curiosity among "bikers" where
gathered, and a major brand from motorcycle history. But perhaps some of my cynicism is I AM
seriously in the minority, when it comes to having a group of my own kind of mature hooligans
to hang out with, help out doing a project , let alone RIDE with. My main pal is 72,
can no longer ride, muscular dystrophy in his shoulders. but had ridden for years.
He was over for a visit couple days past, He understood my points I strived to make.
Then another has a later Triumph, but he has moved a few miles further away,
so don't see much of him, other than him, no other Brit-bikes,( running; anyway) that I know
of in the entire county. Then of course, the one that helped organize that run that day. Totally into HD, and has been for years. Somehow, crazy for iron head kick start Sportsters, and knows them well. Then, of course, those that are no longer on the earth.
I've always run in a small circle, it's gotten alot smaller. Whatever the case, I will ride as long
as the Lord let's me, I don't care if they wave, they don't wave. Getting Your knees in the breeze,
in my opinion is all that matters. I know I did, yesterday. Only bout 25 miles round trip into town and
back. I had 5 stops to make. When I went to leave each place it fired right up
on the first kick every time. That gave me alot of self satisfaction, and hey, that's a good thing.
I still keep everything spot on with those dual points in that dreadful early placement inside
of the timing chest, below the right carburetor !!!
I had thought right after the original post, may be I should have labeled it
the dinosaur and his dinosaur bike... I don't really think of it as that. At 53 years old, owned
since '77, and me
at 61 y.o., we're just aging well together. I've cared for it, and it's cared for me.
Life is oh so brief, I took a hiatus from this forum, all the forums motorcycle related, on August
29th last year...(I always wondered if I had signed out of this one that weekend !) I lost my
very beautiful 29 y.o. daughter to an eating disease she had battled for years. You are not
supposed to outlive Your child. I would not wish that on ANYONE. I am not announcing this for
sympathy, She is with her Lord, in a much better place than our world has become. I will
see her again. My point is life is brief, enjoy or beasts from the wonderful "Britazoic period"
we are all temporary caretakers of them and deserve the best we can do to keep them on the road.
I had picked up my wide glide front end (I needed an axle made for it) that Thursday
from a machinist to begin surgery that weekend on my Super glide.
It had laid under a blanket in the corner of my shop since then. The past few months, my
bikes have been my therapy, once again, there for me. The operation was very therapeutic,
and got me excited about riding all of my bikes again.
Tacking on a picture of it post-op. Now, it's a Super Wide Glide. I'm pleased with it.
Make all the cracks You want about an H-D, nothin' slow about it, however.
It was stroked in 1985 from 74 cubic inches to
84 S&S get up and go inches.
My daughter loved it, and towards the end of her life,
a couple of weeks before, She asked me to take her for a ride. But She wouldn't have had
the strength to hold on. But I told her if She got herself turned around by fall maybe...
I knew the last ride I had taken her on was her last..
She loved the Commando as well. Admittedly it is my favorite....
Now, actively back on the forum(s),
and thank God for it, my "'virtual" bike mate pals. I thank You for all the help with my
2 wheels issues I've had. The more I frequent the site, the more I think I'm getting
to know You. Just wish there were more of You in my my 'real' neighborhood.
In all sincerity, this site has the most knowledgeable members of any I belong to.
Haven't checked to see if it's possible, but I'm thinking of a name change for
the forum. Never was overly pleased with my choice, but at the time there was a reason.
Thank You for Your eye time my friends, if You wanna accuse me of rambling, I would
understand, it's very late, or early, here.