The story of "I now call them Radioactive Fission Axles"

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Deer are spreading here in the UK too, I've often seen them grazing next to dual carriageways.... Mainly Fallow and Muntjac round here, though either wouldn't connect well at 70mph!
What was his riding along standing straight up on the pegs, at speed about?
Back in the summer of 1970 I used to run my throttle stop up on my '67 A65T and stand up ON THE SEAT with my arms stretched out to the side. Rode that way once for quite some distance through some gentle curves on a back country road in Southern Indiana. I was showing off for a buxom lass riding with me on a Honda 90.
Deer are spreading here in the UK too, I've often seen them grazing next to dual carriageways.... Mainly Fallow and Muntjac round here, though either wouldn't connect well at 70mph!
ALL TOO COMMON here in the Texas Hill Country.
Deer are spreading here in the UK too, I've often seen them grazing next to dual carriageways.... Mainly Fallow and Muntjac round here, though either wouldn't connect well at 70mph!
ALL TOO COMMON here in the Texas Hill Country.
Up North, after the spring thaw, they often frequent the roadsides in search of salt.
When I was 18yo, riding my XS1100 as hard & fast as it would go, all hours of night & early morning, I never used to worry about deer. They say ignorance is bliss. I truly believed my lightning reflexes could avoid it all. 10' tall & bulletproof, I thought.
I see now that was a folly. I thank the lord I never put my family through the heartbreak of deceased youngfolk.
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