Clutch problem

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Ugh, I hate that. Being sick like that seems like such a waste of time. Best thing is go to bed and sleep it off, I guess.

Anyhow, mine moves about 1/4" too, I was trying to get a measurement with the verniers but it's too hard with just one person, but looks like 1/4" by eyeball.

I'm betting the spring is inverted. I've been known to be wrong too. Don't ask me how to get it un-inverted. There was a thread recently about that, some shop inverted the guys spring. I'm not sure how he got it back, I guess you could put the tool on it from the inside and pull it over, but I wouldn't want to be too close when it pops.

Get well. It's too hot to ride here and the humidity is about 80% which brings out all the biting and sucking insects.

DogT said:
Ugh, I hate that. Being sick like that seems like such a waste of time. Best thing is go to bed and sleep it off, I guess.

Anyhow, mine moves about 1/4" too, I was trying to get a measurement with the verniers but it's too hard with just one person, but looks like 1/4" by eyeball.

I'm betting the spring is inverted. I've been known to be wrong too. Don't ask me how to get it un-inverted. There was a thread recently about that, some shop inverted the guys spring. I'm not sure how he got it back, I guess you could put the tool on it from the inside and pull it over, but I wouldn't want to be too close when it pops.

Get well. It's too hot to ride here and the humidity is about 80% which brings out all the biting and sucking insects.


I measured it by putting a straight edge across the outside housing and making a mark on it where the round cup thing interesected the straight edge, then pulling the lever and making another mark. Well that's good. I was thinking 1/4 wasn't enough. Funny that I'm not getting the compound bow thing.

I just got some drugs to make me sleep. Hopefully I'll wake up to a brave new world.
So, how was the nap.

Let us continue.

If the diaphragm is off the clutch and off of the tool, it will/should be quite cupped.

While at rest, installed on the clutch, my diaphragm has an ever so slight bow. When squeezing the lever, it bows out a 1/4" more relieving the area around the machined raise portion of the pressure plate. Releasing the lever brings pressure toward the center contacting the raise machined area toward the parameter of the pressure plate acting as a lever to bind the clutch assembly (engaged). ACTION SEEN HERE!

Please pardon my simplification of this action but there is something fundamentally amiss here. I know I am not alone in fighting the urge to take a pilgrimage to see what the dickens is going on with this mechanically dysfunctional apparatus of yours.

Also there should be .050 to .080 space between the top of the diaphragm the the bottom groove for the cir clip as seen here.
Clutch problem
Someone mentioned in an earlier thread that the diaphragm spring can get inverted if you go past the point where you can remove the circlip when using the clutch tool. I think you can probably sproinnnnggggg it back the other way.

Ewwwww on the throwing up.
I think you can probably sproinnnnggggg it back the other way.

you can indeed, and quite easily

we have a forum consensus that your spring is inverted

therefore: put the spring depressor tool on it, take off the circlip, remove the spring complete with tool attached

and then turn your nut the other way until the spring moves over center the other way

Edit but first, can you show us a good close up of your clutch so we can see the spring?
He did show us a picture of his diaphragm. It looks suspicious to me, but it's hard to tell, but seems when I've seen mine it's easy to see it's dished in. His spring:

Clutch problem

batrider said:
Someone mentioned in an earlier thread that the diaphragm spring can get inverted if you go past the point where you can remove the circlip when using the clutch tool. I think you can probably sproinnnnggggg it back the other way.

Ewwwww on the throwing up.

As soon as my energy comes back I'm going to take some pictures of the diaphragm unloaded and the gap between the top plate and the circlip groove. This sounds like it will tell you all a lot. You guys are incredible for going to all this trouble.
We called it 'feeding the fish' in Fla. but the general medical term is Emesis which may or may not be productive, aka: 'the dry heaves', while puking undigested food back up is covered by regurgitation. Food poisoning by bacterial toxins closely associated with a meal is called food poisoning. Its a good sign, mean as it is, when the body has enough reserves and functional reflexes to call up the forces to kick ass kicking out toxins, while kicking you in the gut to do so. Quickest relief is colonic or enema and kapetate or activated carbon to speed the flush out. Can leave ya wiped out a couple days both from toxic hangover and the stomach punches up to the brain stem. Gut flora replacement is good idea after you get out and about again, sans Noron of course. Body acupuncture points are CX-3, 4 finger widths up from ventral wrist fold in center of arm, LI-4, in valley of index thumb web and ST-36, 4 finger widths below patella in the lateral groove depth.

I've had my spring pop the wrong way but standard compressor with a bit of teeth gritting over powered it back again.

I don't get the sense of break over leverage when clutch about right just easy same sense of grip all the way in. Don't settle for less as it just not part of a fettered Commandos nature.
drones76 said:
Here is the thread referring to the clutch suppressor tool being used incorrectly... :oops: Not sure if it applies.


Reading that article, here's how it applies to me. I compressed the tool till I felt it release. Wasn't sure how long I'd have all that apart, so I released the tension on the tool. When I put it back on I wasn't sure how much to crank it so I just tightened it a little, tried fitting it, tightened it some more, till it fit with room for the circlip. I certainly might have tightened it too much when reinstalling. When I'm feeling better I'll post some pictures. Not sure when that will be... still feel like warmed over dog crap.
If you can find some ramps up there in the midwest, that will clean out the other end, the other way. But may not be a good thing right now. It's the WV spring tonic.

Take it easy.

DogT said:
If you can find some ramps up there in the midwest, that will clean out the other end, the other way. But may not be a good thing right now. It's the WV spring tonic.

Take it easy.


What are ramps?

I've had them for dinner and before I even finished I was in the bathroom. They go through you like a bullet.

Cooked they're very mild, but not the tonic effect. I'm sure hobot will tell us about them, it's an Appalachian thing.

Only thing is you can't be around people that haven't eaten them, the garlic odor comes out of your pores for about 3 days.

Soap opera like plot going here, made to wait for next episode just as it gets mysterious.

Food poisoning can kill weaker folks besides knocking out for work for days so better let the restaurant know so it don't spread and they might caught the reason for it. Cleaning agents can get into food and cause cyclic emesis.
Ozark Plateau offers climates from desert to rain forest so I find wild garlic and onions. For toxic hung over poisoned venom cases across the scope is high doses of proteolytic enzymes with some the carbo and fat enzymes. Also what Itake and give in trauma and nerve injury. Cancer too as just a meaner version of runaway inflammatory repair reaction. No application to clutches.

Clutch problem
Robb, sorry you are not feeling well.
When you get better, take a picture of your clutch basket without the diaphram or pressure plate installed so I can see the stack height.
Plus remove the diaphram from the compresser tool so we can see if it is as it is supposed to be, dished.
And please, no more vomit talk. It makes want to hurle. :(
Robb, sorry you are not feeling well.
When you get better, take a picture of your clutch basket without the diaphram or pressure plate installed so I can see the stack height.
Plus remove the diaphram from the compresser tool so we can see if it is as it is supposed to be, dished.
And please, no more vomit talk. It makes want to hurle. :(
My down and dirty stack measure, accounting for the infinite variation of manufacture and wear, is mix-match till spring sits in just enough there is no forcing to place the spiral circlip but nil slack either. Leave the spring in puller at same tension forever it will not take a set and handy handle to just stick in to release. Btw I just tried Trixie's lever to find indeed there is a break over felt that occurs early in the motion but it don't lighten up significantly like a compound bow.

Hot soaks help sweat the shit out and numb ya out and give back some energy spent to help relax and pass out. Ease back to eating again with soups and crackers, yogurt and fermented stuff like sour kurat. Regular and herbal teas help settle tummy too. Get better fast as its all about the bikes needs here.
Feeling much much better today. Here's the pics:

Slight bow in but not much

Clutch problem

tool off, definite bow

Clutch problem

the culprit?

Clutch problem
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