Climate change

...protest if you wish but don't upset people you were tiring to get your message across to...

The problem is, the current crop of "protesters" are quite facist, anything but peaceful, and care not one whit about ANYONE ELSE but themselves (and are mostly layabouts and/or paid by rent-a-mobs, so have no need to go to work, or care for those that do)... Their "cause" is strictly co-incidental, whatever the cause-of-the-day happens to be.
There a startup company here that makes dimensional boards from recycled plastics , yesterday on the news he was paving his new parking lot with asphalt made from 25% recycled plastic bags , said the petroleum products used in asphalt is not as high grade as the plastics , he was very pleased with the out come , the project used one days use worth of plastic bags in our Province .... makes some sense , eh
He won't be popular in that protest crowd for cheating a landfill, or a roadside out of litter by doing something sensible about matters.
He say the lumber he makes last’s more than 100 yrs with zero care , the color and grain is into it .... my wealthy sister has some chairs made from his lumber , she leaves it outside year round on bank of tidal lake she lives on .... heavy enough does not get blown around ..... wipe it off in Spring good to go
He say the lumber he makes last’s more than 100 yrs with zero care , the color and grain is into it .... my wealthy sister has some chairs made from his lumber , she leaves it outside year round on bank of tidal lake she lives on .... heavy enough does not get blown around ..... wipe it off in Spring good to go
Yes, we have that plastic wood here as well, EXTREMELY durable as long as the item construction is robust (you can't help cheap construction, no matter WHAT materials are used)
Yes, right on GP .... I can guess that the process takes a lot of energy but can it be worse than land fills or worse, dumping in ocean , you ever see the barges NY city sends out to sea amazing or was last time I was there .. bigger than a small island ...
NYC trash barges . . . hypocrisy Where are the rented flash mobs?

Typical MSM double standard.

As for Aussie coal, Sometimes I wonder if OPEC funds a lot of these greenie roadblocks
Yes, the 'cloaked' trash barges almost the size of Laredo, TX that NY sends to somebody else's back yard every other week or so, RANK HYPOCRISY. They distract your attention from it by putting a new tax on large soda pops and paper drinking straws.

Yes these protester just aim at the wrong people, in Australia our GOVERMENTS whether State or Federal rely on our natrual resources to servive, iron ore and coal are our biggest money urner the new coal mine that is going to be built is India owned but they must employ Aussies to build it and to run it, its part of the deal, small towns are dying and need work to servive, when the protest groups headed to these small towns around the new mine site they got run out of town, so their only move was in the city to protest and now have lost a lot of favor with normal everyday people because of their own doings.
If the protesters went to India or China to stop them buying our coal and iron ore what do you think would happen to them, bet they just disappear and one of the reasons they won't go there.
The deal has been done and there will be no stopping it now, there is big money to be made from this mine and the most important one JOBS JOBS JOBS, building new railway, new deep port, the new mine itself and long term employment for people who would have had no hope, it be another two years before a train load of coal is taken out of the ground.
Coal burning for power is bad but while there are countries still using coal power our GOVs are willing to sell the coal to them they won't servive if they don't.

It’s interesting, Ashley, why do you suppose Australian businesses didn’t invest in developing that coal mine? There’s a long history of mining by Aussies in Australia, what is it about the tax, regulatory atmosphere that prevented Australian entrepreneurs from seizing that opportunity?
Our people have invested heaverly in mines accross the country but these days our Goverments have been selling all our asset to overseas countries and some at give away prices, not sure their thinking there but it makes everyone think WTF is happening, its been happening for about 20 years or more now all our manufacturing is been sold off to overseas and now its coming back to kick us in the arse, all the people who made their fortunes from minerals are now selling off their investments to make even more money and then the wealthy owner who are staying want to bring in cheap labour from 3rd world countries so they can make even more wealth and normal people who want to work as cost of living is hitting us all and our GOVs don't give a dam for short term gains, and by the time they realised they made big mistakes in their thinking its to late, we be owned by China or some other 3 world country who needs our minerals and its happening all over the world.
They don't need to invade they just need to buy us out.

I am actively on the side of anyone striving to create a cleaner, greener and healthier planet for my children and their childrens children.

Don't really care what the news or my next door neighbor has to say.
It is the same with the protests about plastic pollution in the sea. The house, offices and factory of one of the large plastic producers (Jim Ratcliffe) were blockaded recently. The company has worked hard to reduce its impact- investing in a recycling centre in its factory, ensuring that no plastic from the factory enters the water course and paying to clean up the rivers around the area where the factory is based - it recently produced a report, verified by independent sources, that stated 60% of its current output came from recycled sources. The protestors targeted this company by using a social media “storm” - there was a report on him in one of the motorcycle magazines recently as he recently bought Belstaff
What these eco warriors fail to accept is that 90% of the plastic entering the sea comes from 8 main rivers - 6 of which are in Asia (India, China.....) no protests reported in these countries!
Righteous indignation trumps scientific fact every time.

Your last sentence is very apt IMHO.

In some ways the internet has put us back to pre printing press days. Folklore, and mass hysteria of the witch hunt days is not a million miles away from current internet behaviour.

Frankly, it can be quite scary.
I just get upset in what has happen to our side of the world and there is nothing we can do about it and no matter who you vote in we still lose and I do worry about my kids, my working life is now over and I own everything but when it comes time for my girls to settle down and get their own place its getting beyond them, Chinese investor are jacking up house prices beyond what normal hard workers can afford, I just got back from a great ride on my bike and now going to have a quite beer to solve a few more world problems lol.

I, for one, am NOT going to worry about how my kids get on, they'll do FINE. They are being raised to THINK for themselves, and WORK for what they need to survive. While they've had as many "wants" as I did growing up, they've never lacked for their NEEDS. If they come out ahead of the average guy, it will NOT be because of a handout or silver spoon. Whatever happens, they will NOT be sleeping on the street, and however bad the world is when they grow up will NOT be due to their lack of contribution, or "climate change".

...there, that brings us back around...
Yes both my children made decisions my girl will have none , my boy has one and done .... honestly, a little disappointed as I do enjoy my only grandson, a lot ...
I just get upset in what has happen to our side of the world and there is nothing we can do about it and no matter who you vote in we still lose and I do worry about my kids, my working life is now over and I own everything but when it comes time for my girls to settle down and get their own place its getting beyond them, Chinese investor are jacking up house prices beyond what normal hard workers can afford, I just got back from a great ride on my bike and now going to have a quite beer to solve a few more world problems lol.


In Australia, there seems to have been a conscious decision to forgo the manufacture of hardware and buy everything from China with the money we get from mineral exports. The result is that our economy has few internal means of creating wealth by adding value. Anything else is simply education and tourism. But if you extend the situation 20 years, our educators will have no credibility because we now make nothing. So it will probably become only tourism which provides jobs, unless we find something else to occupy our minds.
The web offers opportunities - music and the performing arts are not energy intensive occupations and there will always be demand for entertainment. For my whole working life, I have been a scientist. I now think differently - in the future there will be no place for people such as me in Australia.
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find it difficult to understand how you think the overwhelming evidence by the worlds leading scientists is just plain wrong
You mean the model outputs showing large temperature increases, the evidence of real world measured temperatures does not match the hypothesis of large increases in temperature and the the real world stubbornly shows a gentle warming which is not alarming and needs no action to slow down.