The early ones Norton built , wheere villiers built the motors , later .
Someone here had a few ' Combat ' cams , for those cases .
A man of wealth and taste , would fit a Krober impulse Electronic tachometer . save the problem .
if its not beat up & abused , you cant loose ( NO - just that in Rhymes :x ) if all the nuts are rounded off , it could be general .
A bit of forthought on inspection should tell you if its been misstreated . If so youd pay to be cautious . Not to worry . think .
check sprockets , cables , etc & see if theres bruise marks . also if the colours match , under respray . If basically original ( 75 % )
youd be doing well .
all the little things add up though , like grotty instrument dial faces , however - a coustom leaves YOU free , to muck it up . !