Looking for a Commando project - any gotchas?

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haha some light reading! Downloaded.

There are some electronic copy errors to watch out for, such as "126,125 FIRST COMMANDO, 17E(3 ’G4. Silver tank, etc." should read "126,125 FIRST COMMANDO, FEB '68, Silver tank, etc.".
The Service Notes were published in 1979 so some of the information is not exactly up to date.
Senseually , any NORTON 750s gotta COMMANDO Engine . More or Less , Actually , ANY Norton Twin'd do NICELY . And a restoed Ex Race Bike'd be the cream of the crop ! .

Looking for a Commando project - any gotchas?

Though any noteable one , youd be very carefull not to restore the HISTORY out of it .
AND youd keep it in Race Preped spec . Bog Standards a bore . EVERYTHING should work properly , exactly , & reliably . No Matter WHAT the ' order ' is . Like Steam Trains . You dont want troubles .

Thats a P11 750 . But dont tell everybody , or theyll ALL want one . ! :(
I’ve ridden P11s. They ride like a Matchless ;)
The best deal is probably a ready to go rider's bike that has been fussed over and upgraded for years. Sadly, some of us are aging out and these bikes are coming available.
Sellers sometimes consider the money invested on upgrades or new parts as the cost of ownership. They generally do not expect to get very much of that loot back upon selling.
Spend a bit more and get a lot more would be my advice.
That is, if you want to get riding asap rather than spending ages rebuilding.

Now if you really want a project, these can either be fun or frustrating depending on your skills. They are almost always expensive!

Here's a nice looking MK3 that has had work done-
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PM me and I can tell you how NOT to purchase a Norton Commando, and I am on my fourth.

That said, you can learn a lot using the Craigslist "Search All" functions (SearchTempest; Searchcraiglist.org). Prices, condition, or comments (BringATrailer) can help build an opinion on what model you want and what nits owners look for. If you are near Denver, there is an "R" here and a tidy 850 here from an owner who has gone the extra mile (and pays out of pocket for club membership - a real plus).

These are timeless bikes that bring a smile to the rider and passerby's as well, and one of the few you roll into a Harley crowd with nods all around. Best of luck!
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