What's happening at Norton? Sale to TVS, massive investment, new bikes...

Remember when I joined the FB forum?
You and others accused me of not owning a 961, even when I posted pics showing so. I was attacked and called a liar by you and others.

This was the first day I jointed the forum on FB.
I tried to convince everyone I wasn’t a troll and yet you and the others called me a liar and booted me off the forum.
Blocking me from joining.

So excuse me for my negativity for being called a liar and more. I blame you.

Now, since you know me on FB, why don’t you be man enough and share your FB user name and stop hiding. I know it’s not Stephen Spencer.

You love bringing me and my FB post onto this Forum, which I hardly ever post on. Why be a coward and hide your name when you obviously are a member there?

As far as blaming me and a few others for damaging Norton, I’ll be blunt here.

Where do you come off blaming people for the lackluster way Norton decides to handle business?
They are doing it themselves, nobody else is the cause.

If anyone is a troll. It’s you. You troll me and hide behind a name you refuse to share. That’s a coward.

Let’s be honest here!
I’m going to be blunt, you own one 961, I’ll be a jerk here and I’ll also be honest. I own two 961’s and I’ve also spent well over $10,000 USD in spare parts when they were available.

You cried and bitched about the price of a seat when you were told by Norton. Then you refused to purchase it because of the cost. Now tell me, who supports Norton? Surely it’s not you.

Twice now you asked about parts. I’ve asked so many times in the last 3 years I’ve lost count. I’ve emailed numerous people and called Norton and spoke to them and never got anywhere. And before you think it, I’ll tell you.

I was kind and polite.
When the prices were given to me. I was happy to pay for them. But it was Nortons choice once again to go silent.

Then I went onto social media and made my displeasure known directly to Norton on public social media.
They told me that John Hogan himself wanted to hear from me.
I then emailed Mr Hogan, I explained to him in detail and provided the emails I exchanged with the parts department.
Guess where that got me?

Here is where it got me and all the others who want and need spares. He even told me directly in the email he’d join this forum. In which he has. And since then. He’s been silent.
Nortons favorite way is to go silent.

So you can blame me all you want for damaging Norton and say I’m the root cause of it all.

You’re a pompous, cowardly fool
Nice try SS.
Report me to the admins again. You do it all the time.

I’ve asked the Admins of this forum to delete my account numerous times, they wouldn’t.
To clear this forum up, you and I need to block each other. We don’t get along and I don’t see any other way.
I don’t have FB Voodooo - I never have had. I keep an eye out for useful information for this forum via a family members account. I don’t comment because it’s not mine obviously, and I don’t like the format.

I was nothing to do with what occured to you on FB and you know that. You accused me before remember and quickly removed it because it’s ridiculous - taunting with a further post that I should prove you ever said it. Remember Voodoo? That stuff is just none sense.

I’ve never contacted Jerry either Voodooo, for anything - I’m more than happy for Jerry to disclose any contact (sorry to involve you Jerry).

Gonna leave it there, because the rest is equally nonsense. Nobody is saying that you are the root cause of anything Voodooo, just that the frequency, volume and vitriol of your negative posts is overpowering and all pervasive - given the prominence of this site I believe that is unnecessarily damaging. I’m not on my own.
Many of my posts are intended as mildly humorous and / or sarcastic.

This one is not. This one is straight down the line…

Stephen, if someone’s opinion does not matter to you, why do you argue with them so much?

If someone’s opinion does not matter to you, ignore them, agree to disagree, etc. Doing this kills arguments very quickly and easily. As does calling them a Twat in a ‘I just don’t care’ kind of way.

But this is not a strength of yours. You prefer to keep going, and going, picking at the scab, forcing responses… and in doing so you actually increase the shit that’s aired publicly!

My honest opinion here is that if you look back through this thread, you will see that most negativity is actually created in unpleasant discussions that revolve around you, and that’s even after I’ve deleted most of mine !

Your style is to show zero sympathy or empathy for anyone else’s point of view, or issues. This then forces people to explain to you, in detail, why they are so pissed off and this explaining then (in an ironically understandable way) gets called ‘being negative’ !

You also ask questions, and when people answer they know they’ve got to go into detail to get through to you, and 9 times out of 10 you ignore their main points and cherry pick to find something to reject or argue with, which once again makes them come back with more detail, which is labelled as ‘being negative’.

Your quest to be overly positive, your lack of empathy and your incessant arguing style actually elicit more negativity than anything else.

Voodooos last post is a classic case in point. He did not want or need to write any of that again, most of us know his story already. He posted it purely because you forced that response out of him through sheer frustration that you simply aren’t taking any of his opinions on board. And now HE is the one that will be labelled as being negative (and he is a guy who’s given Norton tens of thousands of dollars and would happily have continued to do so).

Then when you run out of argument you pull the ‘negativity’ card, or ultimately the ‘miss characterisation’ card.

I am not talking about one offs. I’m talking about long term repeatable behavioural trends over numerous threads and forums.

I would never normally do this and I apologise to others for getting so personal and direct in public, but I just can’t bite my tongue any longer on this.
Very nicely worded from the (intentional) high ground there FE - but deeply skewed from reality.

We have had a few tustles you and I - here and elsewhere. We have differing views and that’s OK. You have (at the very least) equal input to them, whilst responsibility for escalating the vast majority from discussion to argument (and most certainly for harbouring a grudge) - if that had not already been done by Voodoo. Let’s not start showing examples - there are too many. You have no place up there on the hill though mate.

I’m at the centre of these discussions because I make my opinions known about the ridiculously negative content in these thread types. In my opinion someone has to for reasons discussed. Others have tried and got shut down.

Someone’s opinion’ of me does not matter. What that (negatively skewed) dialogue leads to - in what remains essentially a start-up period for Norton - does!

Of course I end up the focus (often) - you guys have placed me there; I might as well be Norton. That great political trick of simply repeating an untruth or exaggeration so often that it is accepted as fact is very effective. Trying to add balance and perspective to a discussion where the content is so heavily skewed to one side, results in that person becoming the guilty fringe participant by default. Remarkable really.

Your derision and ridicule disguised as humour or sarcasm (as you call it) doesn’t stack up either mate. It is clear to all what #178 is; you do yourself a disservice by trying to disguise it otherwise.

You boys don’t need me to get you to repeat the negative commentary - it is all pervasive and omnipresent. We’ve all heard Voodoo’s rants many many times - the vast majority were not ‘incited’’ by me.

In challenging the narrative I do sometimes become the enabler though, leading to amplification and repetition. But please don’t try and shift responsibility for this content to me though FE. The months and months of grindingly repetitive negative dialogue shows otherwise.

You are not ‘the new Voodoo’, as you were accused of a few weeks back. I know being identified as part of a negative clique isn’t fully justified and you dislike it intensely - hence your full attack mode here. Take a step back and look at your content more recently though FE. I strongly suspect that your dislike of my challenging the tenet of these threads has skewed your involvement. If so, then I am at the very least guilty by association.
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Personally I've only used Norton once for parts, and that was way back when Marie & Gaz were still there. I knew that I needed to act quick before someone else moved into either department as I needed parts predominantly to complete sub-assemblies ie I could provide a part number for their system, so they wouldn't have to look into what I was actually trying to buy, they would then double the BOM price and add 10%. That's all they did when they didn't have a rrp on their screen. Without them, I would have struggled to get my Domi up and running. Naturally, I had to place the order through someone else. A good example of this was the rear retaining plate and rivets for the clutch assembly. I was looking at over £300 to get that laser cut and folded (I have the cad file)....but I managed to get it from Marie for £12.50. It was part of a sub-assembly, so shouldn't have been sold retail. The most expensive part I bought in that order was the carbon Domi hugger, which was around £140.
The only other time Motorvated Ltd has had anything from them was last Friday where a customer of mine had ordered a replacement speedo and had it sent directly to me. He found the process slow.
The title of this thread is….

“What’s happening at Norton”

The honest answer is….absolutely nothing.

Change my mind Stephen
Great comment and most probably very true, we are constantly told that they are introducing an Electric bike - this bike was in development with Warwick University with TVS even before TVS had bought Norton, so where is it. Then we have the parent TVS Motor raising patents in India for a Norton Combat, seems like TVS Motor have done far more than Solihull. Personally the warehouse at Solihull I see in the future as just being a rebadging facility for TVS Motor produced bikes and electric bikes made in the far east.
That would be nice.

I believe Mr Hogan last commented here in Dec 2022.

Mr Hogan‘s title (according to Linked in) is ‘Head of Marketing and COMMUNICATIONS’.

He does frequent the forum though, so please John, do feel free to put this one to bed…
Yes, please John please do chime in, you may get verbally battered, and beaten, but we won't kill you.
But if we do kill you, we definitely won't eat you.:p
It’s difficult for me to describe to you in words Voodoo, just how little I care about your thoughts on me.

I do however care about the Norton marque and what Norton Birmingham is trying to achieve in Solihull, UK.

You, and a (very) small group will eventually realise just how much damage you are doing (especially now you have started exporting it to FB also).

Some tried to highlight this recently but were dismissed as trolls. Of the 8 that voted to close that thread due to reputational damage, five are 961 owners.

More importantly though, all are Norton enthusiasts.
If you care so little then why the 5 paragraph replies?

This topic started because of a half-assed video attempt to delve into the money side of things which has been detailed more on other threads

Instead of trying to be right all the time and arguing with everyone who does not see your viewpoint please answer the simple question. This means list what you think, not 10 paragraphs of cheerleading without a solid answer based on facts.

I'll go first.

What's happening at Norton?

1. Appears to be selling a few bikes (maybe 20 bikes)
2. Not selling parts
3. Selling merch but don't know anyone who has bought anything
4 Setting up dealers but from my research, not all actually have bikes to sell
5. Spending a ton of money with little to show

well, that's a start. So let's see if you can answer the question without the tirade.
Celtic v Rangers... Man Utd v Liverpool (UK Soccer ) ... , Bridewell v Irwin ( British Superbikes ).., not a patch on this thread Ha Ha.... keep up the good work lads... Good job we all have a love of Norton 961's really, eh ? PS... '' I '' bought an £85 sweatshirt... (am i the only one then..?) ... well, i didn't- the wife bought it me for my birthday.... better than socks i suppose...
Celtic v Rangers... Man Utd v Liverpool (UK Soccer ) ... , Bridewell v Irwin ( British Superbikes ).., not a patch on this thread Ha Ha.... keep up the good work lads... Good job we all have a love of Norton 961's really, eh ? PS... '' I '' bought an £85 sweatshirt... (am i the only one then..?) ... well, i didn't- the wife bought it me for my birthday.... better than socks i suppose...
We need photo proof !! 85??? Thats a $100 US sweater!! Are you crazy man!
If you care so little then why the 5 paragraph replies?

This topic started because of a half-assed video attempt to delve into the money side of things which has been detailed more on other threads

Instead of trying to be right all the time and arguing with everyone who does not see your viewpoint please answer the simple question. This means list what you think, not 10 paragraphs of cheerleading without a solid answer based on facts.

I'll go first.

What's happening at Norton?

1. Appears to be selling a few bikes (maybe 20 bikes)
2. Not selling parts
3. Selling merch but don't know anyone who has bought anything
4 Setting up dealers but from my research, not all actually have bikes to sell
5. Spending a ton of money with little to show

well, that's a start. So let's see if you can answer the question without the tirade.
I’ll keep it short.

If you spoke to a dealer posing as a potential buyer, I think it’s obvious he’s gonna tell you there’s no issues at all.

Best would be for a Donnington 961 owner to rock up to a dealer and ask them honestly if they can procure parts for their bike from the factory.
And buy a $100 sweater!!
We need photo proof !! 85??? Thats a $100 US sweater!!
there we are.... i have to say it's great quality !

What's happening at Norton? Sale to TVS, massive investment, new bikes...
That’s Nuthin !

The £85 sweater is the second cheapest thing they sell.

The £1350 cashmere bomber jacket would suit you sir…

" Perfectly refined for both men and women, this jacket will lend its wearer the feeling of luxury and exclusivity."

The Norton logo appears only on the inside of the collar.
Bud Light ad firm hired?
Nobody who owns a Norton would be caught dead wearing this shit.


  • What's happening at Norton? Sale to TVS, massive investment, new bikes...
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  • What's happening at Norton? Sale to TVS, massive investment, new bikes...
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Nobody who owns a Norton would be caught dead wearing this shit.
This is incomprehensible from our point of view, but in their line of thinking, they make more money if they flip two of those camel bags than on the whole motorcycle. The logoed t-shirts I still understand, but selling some sort of quiet luxury fashion collection is just plain asking for it. If anything, it should stop with a black leather jacket. Or Norton coffee cups. Yes, this is easier than actually working on NORTON.
This is incomprehensible from our point of view, but in their line of thinking, they make more money if they flip two of those camel bags than on the whole motorcycle. The logoed t-shirts I still understand, but selling some sort of quiet luxury fashion collection is just plain asking for it. If anything, it should stop with a black leather jacket. Or Norton coffee cups. Yes, this is easier than actually working on NORTON.
This guy is responsible for the clothing line


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