What's happening at Norton? Sale to TVS, massive investment, new bikes...

Very constructive FE. If you actually want to be helpful rather than ‘point score’ you can ring Norton from the UK and find out why the hiatus in spares supply has occured. No matter you no longer own a 961.

Voodoo has told us on multiple occasions that neither of his bikes are ‘off the road’ for spares. He chooses not to use them because if a problem occurs (mechanical or accident) he is concerned about parts replacement. Especially pertinent for the Dommie and smart, if you intend to sell them in the near future.

Do we know any of our number that are currently off the road for spares? Very few, if any I suspect. In part because of the helpfulness of this forum.
Oh dear me Stephen. Suffering a humour deficit now as well are we ?

You can’t even read and quote jokes right mate. I never said he had bikes off the road broken, I said he can‘t use them because he can’t get spares, that’s his own description IIRC as he knows that when things wear or break he can’t replace them. You‘re trying to play semantics. The fact is: he isn’t using his bikes BECAUSE he can’t get spares. Period.

You‘ve really proved it this time: unless people write EXACTLY what you agree with, you attack them !

There are plenty of current 961 owners in the U.K., I feel it far more appropriate that one of them make such a call as you describe, don’t you?
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Oh dear me Stephen. Suffering a humour deficit now as well are we ?

You can’t even read and quote jokes right mate. I never said he had bikes off the road broken, I said he can‘t use them because he can’t get spares, that’s his own description IIRC as he knows that when things wear or break he can’t replace them. You‘re trying to play semantics. He can’t get spares so isn’t using his bikes. Period.

You‘ve really proved it this time: unless people write EXACTLY what you agree with, you attack them !

There are plenty of current 961 owners in the U.K., I feel it far more appropriate that one of them make such a call as you describe, don’t you?

Characterise it how you please FE🤣.

So you see, what you’re doing is making the mistake of looking at it negatively ie you have two bikes that you can’t use and haven’t been able to buy any spare parts for, for 3 years.

There’s more than enough negative content on this site. Let’s not add to it. People just don’t want to read it.
There’s more than enough negative content on this site. Let’s not add to it. People just don’t want to read it.
It was a humorous post mate. Yet here we are again. You n me. Doing the tango. How long do you want to drag this one out for?

What was wrong with just saying ‘FE you twat’ like a normal person ?!
Very constructive FE. If you actually want to be helpful rather than ‘point score’ you can ring Norton from the UK and find out why the hiatus in spares supply has occured. No matter you no longer own a 961.

Voodoo has told us on multiple occasions that neither of his bikes are ‘off the road’ for spares. He chooses not to use them because if a problem occurs (mechanical or accident) he is concerned about parts replacement. Especially pertinent for the Dommie and smart, if you intend to sell them in the near future.

Do we know any of our number that are currently off the road for spares? Very few, if any I suspect. In part because of the helpfulness of this forum.
Hi Steve , What is not understandable is the lack of communication . They don't even bother to send a email back to me . I have gotten parts from TVS Norton before , but this seems different maybe worse.
Hi Steve , What is not understandable is the lack of communication . They don't even bother to send a email back to me . I have gotten parts from TVS Norton before , but this seems different maybe worse.
Agreed Tony, something has changed. When did you last receive parts?

Let’s see if we can try to get to the bottom of it.
I put a request in 7 days ago - no reply. I used the parts@.. email address that I’ve had success with before.

That email address no longer figures on the Norton website - sales@…. does. There has been word of a staff turnover in the parts area. This may have led to the change - who knows. Who knows also, whether our unique arrangement has been briefed correctly.

Hence the exploritory call.

‘Realistic’ mate. It just also happens to be more ‘positive’ than lobbing another hand grenade over the solihull fence.
Yes Stephen.
Isn’t it great when you can’t get a hold of the department you need? And isn’t it great when the staff or email address keeps changing?

You can act Cherry, but I can sense your frustration just as so with the gas tank.

I’ve done the email and phone call games with Norton, enough was enough. I’m too old for games they continue to play even to this day.
Very constructive FE. If you actually want to be helpful rather than ‘point score’ you can ring Norton from the UK and find out why the hiatus in spares supply has occured. No matter you no longer own a 961.

Voodoo has told us on multiple occasions that neither of his bikes are ‘off the road’ for spares. He chooses not to use them because if a problem occurs (mechanical or accident) he is concerned about parts replacement. Especially pertinent for the Dommie and smart, if you intend to sell them in the near future.

Do we know any of our number that are currently off the road for spares? Very few, if any I suspect. In part because of the helpfulness of this forum.
What’s wrong Stephen? Are you starting to feel the heat?
It wouldn’t matter if I wanted to sell them in the future or not, these bikes don’t even hold value when they run perfectly.

It’s even more of a turn off to a potential buyer when they learn no spares will be sold to them.

Fuck Norton.
Monthly to the parts@nortonmotorcycles.com.

When did you last receive any spares CG - roughly?
Walk down the hall to your parts department and tell them to answer the emails and phone calls.

I know you have that kind of pull Mr John Hogan aka Stephen Spencer.

Your positive outlook on EVERYTHING is very exhausting to me. I swear to Christ you’re trying to be a motivational speaker for Norton.
Give it a rest. NORTON SUCKS!

Long live Ducati, Triumph, BMW, Mv Agusta, KTM, dare I say Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Harley?
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Walk down the hall to your parts department and tell them to answer the emails and phone calls.

I know you have that kind of pull Mr John Hogan aka Stephen Spencer.

Your positive outlook on EVERYTHING is very exhausting to me. I swear to Christ you’re trying to be a motivational speaker for Norton.
Give it a rest. NORTON SUCKS!

Long live Ducati, Triumph, BMW, Mv Agusta, KTM, dare I say Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Harley?
And Indian ! I am an Indian owner now !
What’s wrong Stephen? Are you starting to feel the heat?
It wouldn’t matter if I wanted to sell them in the future or not, these bikes don’t even hold value when they run perfectly.

It’s even more of a turn off to a potential buyer when they learn no spares will be sold to them.

Fuck Norton.
Give it a rest. NORTON SUCKS!

Long live Ducati, Triumph, BMW, Mv Agusta, KTM, dare I say Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Harley?
It’s difficult for me to describe to you in words Voodoo, just how little I care about your thoughts on me.

I do however care about the Norton marque and what Norton Birmingham is trying to achieve in Solihull, UK.

You, and a (very) small group will eventually realise just how much damage you are doing (especially now you have started exporting it to FB also).

Some tried to highlight this recently but were dismissed as trolls. Of the 8 that voted to close that thread due to reputational damage, five are 961 owners.

More importantly though, all are Norton enthusiasts.
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It’s difficult for me to describe to you in words Voodoo, just how little I care about your thoughts on me.

I do however care about the Norton marque and what Norton Birmingham is trying to achieve in Solihull, UK.

You, and a (very) small group will eventually realise just how much damage you are doing (especially now you have started exporting it to FB also).

Some tried to highlight this recently but were dismissed as trolls. Of the 8 that voted to close that thread due to reputational damage, five are 961 owners.

More importantly though, all are Norton enthusiasts.
Remember when I joined the FB forum?
You and others accused me of not owning a 961, even when I posted pics showing so. I was attacked and called a liar by you and others.

This was the first day I jointed the forum on FB.
I tried to convince everyone I wasn’t a troll and yet you and the others called me a liar and booted me off the forum.
Blocking me from joining.

So excuse me for my negativity for being called a liar and more. I blame you.

Now, since you know me on FB, why don’t you be man enough and share your FB user name and stop hiding. I know it’s not Stephen Spencer.

You love bringing me and my FB post onto this Forum, which I hardly ever post on. Why be a coward and hide your name when you obviously are a member there?

As far as blaming me and a few others for damaging Norton, I’ll be blunt here.

Where do you come off blaming people for the lackluster way Norton decides to handle business?
They are doing it themselves, nobody else is the cause.

If anyone is a troll. It’s you. You troll me and hide behind a name you refuse to share. That’s a coward.

Let’s be honest here!
I’m going to be blunt, you own one 961, I’ll be a jerk here and I’ll also be honest. I own two 961’s and I’ve also spent well over $10,000 USD in spare parts when they were available.

You cried and bitched about the price of a seat when you were told by Norton. Then you refused to purchase it because of the cost. Now tell me, who supports Norton? Surely it’s not you.

Twice now you asked about parts. I’ve asked so many times in the last 3 years I’ve lost count. I’ve emailed numerous people and called Norton and spoke to them and never got anywhere. And before you think it, I’ll tell you.

I was kind and polite.
When the prices were given to me. I was happy to pay for them. But it was Nortons choice once again to go silent.

Then I went onto social media and made my displeasure known directly to Norton on public social media.
They told me that John Hogan himself wanted to hear from me.
I then emailed Mr Hogan, I explained to him in detail and provided the emails I exchanged with the parts department.
Guess where that got me?

Here is where it got me and all the others who want and need spares. He even told me directly in the email he’d join this forum. In which he has. And since then. He’s been silent.
Nortons favorite way is to go silent.

So you can blame me all you want for damaging Norton and say I’m the root cause of it all.

You’re a pompous, cowardly fool
Nice try SS.
Report me to the admins again. You do it all the time.

I’ve asked the Admins of this forum to delete my account numerous times, they wouldn’t.
To clear this forum up, you and I need to block each other. We don’t get along and I don’t see any other way.
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It’s difficult for me to describe to you in words Voodoo, just how little I care about your thoughts on me.

I do however care about the Norton marque and what Norton Birmingham is trying to achieve in Solihull, UK.

You, and a (very) small group will eventually realise just how much damage you are doing (especially now you have started exporting it to FB also).

Some tried to highlight this recently but were dismissed as trolls. Of the 8 that voted to close that thread due to reputational damage, five are 961 owners.

More importantly though, all are Norton enthusiasts.
Many of my posts are intended as mildly humorous and / or sarcastic.

This one is not. This one is straight down the line…

Stephen, if someone’s opinion does not matter to you, why do you argue with them so much?

If someone’s opinion does not matter to you, ignore them, agree to disagree, etc. Doing this kills arguments very quickly and easily. As does calling them a Twat in a ‘I just don’t care’ kind of way.

But this is not a strength of yours. You prefer to keep going, and going, picking at the scab, forcing responses… and in doing so you actually increase the shit that’s aired publicly!

My honest opinion here is that if you look back through this thread, you will see that most negativity is actually created in unpleasant discussions that revolve around you, and that’s even after I’ve deleted most of mine !

Your style is to show zero sympathy or empathy for anyone else’s point of view, or issues. This then forces people to explain to you, in detail, why they are so pissed off and this explaining then (in an ironically understandable way) gets called ‘being negative’ !

You also ask questions, and when people answer they know they’ve got to go into detail to get through to you, and 9 times out of 10 you ignore their main points and cherry pick to find something to reject or argue with, which once again makes them come back with more detail, which is labelled as ‘being negative’.

Your quest to be overly positive, your lack of empathy and your incessant arguing style actually elicit more negativity than anything else.

Voodooos last post is a classic case in point. He did not want or need to write any of that again, most of us know his story already. He posted it purely because you forced that response out of him through sheer frustration that you simply aren’t taking any of his opinions on board. And now HE is the one that will be labelled as being negative (and he is a guy who’s given Norton tens of thousands of dollars and would happily have continued to do so).

Then when you run out of argument you pull the ‘negativity’ card, or ultimately the ‘miss characterisation’ card.

I am not talking about one offs. I’m talking about long term repeatable behavioural trends over numerous threads and forums.

I would never normally do this and I apologise to others for getting so personal and direct in public, but I just can’t bite my tongue any longer on this.
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