I tried to send Norton a message via their "Contact" button on the website home page. The reply was "Your telephone number is not valid please try again." Naturally, it deleted the lengthy message I had typed and deleted all the fields so I had to redo the entire email. Apparently you can't contact them without leaving a telephone number!
I am in Canada so I figured maybe it doesn't like the international format for Canadian phone numbers, so I inserted Norton's phone number in the box instead. This time it told me that Norton's own phone number was not valid!!!!!
So I sent the message via conventional email intend and that seemed to work!
Come on Norton, if you are going to encourage people to contact you, why not check to see if the stupid web tool on your homepage works!!!!!
I am in Canada so I figured maybe it doesn't like the international format for Canadian phone numbers, so I inserted Norton's phone number in the box instead. This time it told me that Norton's own phone number was not valid!!!!!
So I sent the message via conventional email intend and that seemed to work!
Come on Norton, if you are going to encourage people to contact you, why not check to see if the stupid web tool on your homepage works!!!!!