Wheel bearing removal issues.

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Apr 29, 2009
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Bike is a 74 850 with disc brake.
Getting ready to repack the bearings on my newly laced wheels. The rear wheel itself was no problem. But then two problems.
The front wheel has me baffled. The shop manual says to ease the bearing spacer over until you can get a purchase on the inner race to drive the side opposite the disc out. Then remove the spacer to drive the disc side out. I can't get the spacer to shift enough to give me a bite on the inner race. I can spin the spacer inside the wheel, so it is not stuck. I tried using a long brass rod to lever it over from the opposite end and tried using a punch from the other side to drive it over. Not moving enough. The shop manual mentioned a tool that expands inside the bearing inner race so that it can driven out. Anyone ever heard of it or have any other suggestions?
Decided to then do the rear brake hub double roller. I removed the circlip and tried using the stub axle to drive it out. The bearing is loose and moving but won't come past the outer edge of the circlip groove. Its almost like it is hanging up on the the outer edge of the circlip groove. Any suggestions on this one?
If you search on ebay or google for an inner bearing puller or blind bearing puller you'll find the tool you mention. I bought a set a few years ago and it (together with some heat from a heat gun) makes pulling wheel bearings etc a breeze. When putting the new ones back in just heat the hub and put the new bearing in the freezer for a while and they drop right in. The bearing being tight as it comes up to the circlip groove suggests that area might have some high spots. If you have a bearing scraper or even a stanley knife with a new blade just relieve any high spots and try again. Heating the hub might also help as it's surprising just how much expansion occurs. I use a heat gun and get the hub to the point where it's not possible to touch it. Best of luck.
You mentioned repacking the bearings. If you drive them out using the inner race they will not be reusable. Replacement will be necessary.
Okay, all wheel bearings now out. Thanks for the tip on the bearing puller. Autozone has a blind bearing puller in their loan a tool program, no charge, just pay a deposit and get it back when you return it. A little heat and a little work with the slide hammer and they popped right out. No damage to the hub or bearing spacer. Used a small grinding stone in my Dremel tool to slightly relieve the outer lip of the circlip holder on the rear and the double rear bearing is out. Right tools and a little patience always win over brute force.
Since Waldridges had them on sale, I ordered a complete set of new sealed replacement bearings.
Glad to hear you got them out successfully. When you come to putting the new ones in just put the new bearings in the freezer for an hour or two and then heat the hub and they'll drop right in with perhaps just a gentle tap to seat them. The right tools, some patience, and the use of heat (and freezing) makes what can be a bugger of a job very straightforward.
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