Rear drum bearing removal

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robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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Yes - I know there have been previous threads on this issue, but none that I've seen cover my question.

When removing this stubborn bearing (which I'm in the middle of):
  • Circlip out
  • Soaked with penetrating oil
  • Heated surrounding drum area
It appears to me, as you have to use the LH (short) stub axle to drive the bearing out, the pictures I've seen appear to show that it contacts the outer race of the bearing, so the driving blows should not damage the bearing.
If I'm wrong then I'll have to order another bearing as this one may well be damaged (brinellled) by the time it's out.
Does the LH stub axle contact the outer race rather than the inner?
Yes Rob, the dummy axle end is resting on the bearing inner so press on that which will push the bearing out.
The bearing OD can catch on the bore just above the circlip groove (so might need a light deburr) but heat should minimise that.

BSC have a 2RS China bearing if you elect to go that route.

Rear drum bearing removal
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If the bearing pushes easily then stops, it will be that area above the circlip groove for sure.
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