What Did You Do With Your Commando Today?

Well, I enjoyed a spot of covid this last week.
Despite what folk say about a minor sniffle etc, this freakin’ floored me for a good 4-5 days… And I mean floored me, definitely no energy for dragging a bike out of the shed etc. I’m perking up now though, nicely in time for the rain (or snow) !
I been staying put and same with the mates, I have plenty of things to do at home to keep me busy my Norton having a few thing done to it and setting up the old Amals again finally decided to get rid of the PWK carbs that have been on for 10 years now sick of the right float sticking all the time, my old Amals are still good, got them back on and fired it up on first kick till I ran out of petrol, just had enough to tickle the carb and fire before it ran dry (remember to put fuel in tank lol) so now have fresh fuel to put in tank and tune the carbs and take it out for a run, but wouldn't you believe it bloody rain has hit again, so no riding for the next few days as its been pissing down 50mm just last night alone.
Well have other things to amuse me up in the shed, the new large slot car track is all up and going so might get a few mates up for a race day/night, they keep telling us we got to live with covid, no thanks I don't want it, so only go out on the bikes when need to have lots to do here, have a good bottle shop, no need to go to crowded places, the wife does the shopping, I am just going to avoid it as long as I can, am fully vaxed and boosted but still playing it safe and the way fuel and cost of just living, life is just getting harder for us retired folks and now with a federal election to be called in the next 2 months the GOV is throwing our money everywhere to win at any cost and I won't see any of it being a self funded retiree, when you are no longer working we get sweet FA and I still got another 5 years to get my old age pension at 67.

We all know thew shortcomings of the stock Lockheed disc brake on the later Commandos. Two days ago, I installed madass140's front disc brake kit. I took it out for a first ride yesterday. At the gas station, I was approached by two different gentlemen who were pleased to see the Norton out and about. One was a previous Commando owner, and the other claimed to have wrecked his brother's Commando during a secret joyride.

The ride was about 45 miles on back roads including a winding two-lane California highway; the best was a section of sweeping deep canyon road. It was clear from the onset that this brake is much better than the stock Lockheed; it is an effortless and predictable device in comparison. I came out of the twisties with a big smile. Now, I feel more safe on the Norton than on any of my other bikes.
It is raining tomorrow! :(


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Hey there guys, I was talking to Matt at cNw the other day about tires and I was thinking of building an 18" rear tire but didn't want to disturb my current 19" rear wheel. I know that spokes and rims are somewhat easy to find, but wonder if you guys know where I could pick up a rear hub (one with the Cush bushings) in nice condition to start the process with. I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting into with this idea, but thought it might be worth it for the experience. If one of you've been down this road and beg to differ, please let me know. I did find a guy not too far from me that does rebuild wheels and could go the easier route and have him do it for me. But just wanted to explore the idea some.
I have been very pleased with everything that I have received from Don.Everything fits and always answers any questions I might have.
Those are some mighty fine looking bikes there gents! Looked like an exceptional day for a ride.

I like the black exhaust pipes on that 850 in the foreground. Very interesting take on the original design of the two pipes running along each side of the bike.
Fitted an oil pressure sensor (Don Pender's) to the mk3 along with a combined charge / oil warning light kit from improving classic motorcycles UK.
The two together gives extra peace of mind for any unforseen problems that may occur. (the charge warning light kit is so much more senstive than standard mk3 charging light & gives warnings for flat battery / low oil pressure / overcharging and best of all everything looks totally stock on the mk3 centre idiot light console.
Overall a very worthwhile upgrade.
Very nice. Makes the bike look a little more modern with that hefty exhaust. I wonder if I would burn my dainty legs when I take a ride with shorts on if I had this exhaust kit on my bike.
Gave mine a full service today. Last job was setting up the carbs which I tend to do manually then fine tune with vacuum gauges, I put the vacuum pipes on before refitting the tank, kicked it up, let it warm up and they were spot on; the joy of Amal Premiers. Then took it out for a spin when I discovered that my Commando doesn’t accelerate as quickly as an Ariel Atom, We both left a roundabout together heading onto a dual carriageway and off he went…

Well, my swanky clutch compression tool arrived today, so now I just need to figure out how to use it properly to remove, inspect and clean the plates. It currently sticks and doesn't disengage when I pull the clutch lever. I'm hoping it's just gummed up plates in the clutch. This is on the Combat, which has not been ridden much by the previous owner. I haven't ridden it yet ever since getting it back in January. Any pointers on how to use the tool properly to remove the components and then reinstall the components would be much welcome:)
That sounds like you need a new clutch centre due to notching.

Gave mine a full service today. Last job was setting up the carbs which I tend to do manually then fine tune with vacuum gauges, I put the vacuum pipes on before refitting the tank, kicked it up, let it warm up and they were spot on; the joy of Amal Premiers. Then took it out for a spin when I discovered that my Commando doesn’t accelerate as quickly as an Ariel Atom, We both left a roundabout together heading onto a dual carriageway and off he went…

Hey there Dave. I'm curious about your tune up of the carbs in a little more detail. Seems there is the published routine and most people have their own routine. I don't have a routine and know that my carbs are not in tune, let alone synchronized, at the moment. I would like to work on that this summer. So, wondering if you would share your routine and tools with me, privately or to the whole group. I'd be doing this to my 850 that I currently ride. The 750 Combat is still in the house, being decoration:)