Use em and lose em

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Oct 19, 2005
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I'm widely and correctly recognized as a ham fisted over torquing un-teachable fettering fool, yet can't hardly stay ahead of all the fasteners my good ole factory Trixie loosens to loses, in waves and cycles at differing regions depending on the season of the year and moon phase.

Wes says he loves/hates riding his solid mount Bonneville as hwy speeds constantly working at metal fatiguing every bracket and brace and fastener and seal. That's not counting the rough and ready rides to and from pavement, the few few miles actually sharper edged worse than the gravel pot holes and washboards.

One would hope a Commando was beyond that designed in accelerating innate vibration decay rate and I'm building a special a good bit - just to make it immune to Daily Gremlins.

One would right off assume there was a bad tune imbalanced mis firing in a skewed mounted power unit on over tight un-squared up isolastics on old chunked harden half flat tires, but nope even curmudgeon nick picking Wesley grins at Trixies step on starts at slow steady idle and my Princess on a Pea spinal injury sensitivity is lulled to nothing-ness all day long this way and that, ahhh.

Last afternoon after carrying office supplies, coffee thermos, leaking sole ride boots with split out toe maccassins stuffed inside to saddle shop, to work, left key off dead bat state, No Joy No matter the kick violence with dead bat in circuit > Wes came along at right time for me to leave > gave a push off and then while waiting on a charge savoring a reason to heat up a Combat on the growling side of idle and carbon clearing blips, ahhhhh sooo....

Dang nosy Wesley was seen fiddling with loose hangers for luggage rack strut, grab bar rail and a missing seat clamp nut. I slapped his hand off to stop bringing my attention to another batch of items I didn't see on leaving that day, having nipped em up for the luggage carrying of last weeks joy ride errands. I had to stifle the running hillbilly flavored self dialog of how sad a state our hobby horses are always in and will definitely continue to decay if we take em out and how foolish for us to keep at it year after year, UGH - SwaT ShutUP!

Was feeling pretty darn smug i tell ya after RTV on carb screws lasted a few hundred miles of nerve to stay on Combat cam zone in safe zones. Last pm on the push off R rear set peg came loose to twist down so did the rev up and turn around one foot loose. Also for first time last pm couldn't turn off taps by pure feel, fumbled in confused sensory input to finally look down to see taps both loose and turned to hide levers. All's I can say is -ugh-. Which is not nearly the same state I call The Blank Brit Iron Starting State, ya know like testing annoying traction reaction before the bends and glancing in mirror for police to see a long strip of dark oil glistening.... or crank nut jams open case seam to throw a 4 ft long spray slice of oil out ahead, just like the moves when a board sword slashes an opponent in two.

I was feeling frisky today so went out in Trixie's space - gathered stuff to fix kitchen ceiling and floor to build up my sense of effective handy man again. uhg. My over all loss of parts on the fly is too long to list, but do note Trixie's tail mount is holding up fine, but likely jinxed it now, ugh. Oh yeah rear brake peddle is being pulled way up yet goes way down before effective, hear a sort of whine in rear drum on slow easy low gear riding, don't get hot nor make a sound once pushing, wonder what loose missing there??

What may bother me most I think is I have no defense to Wesley's calmly delivered mood attacks laid on me on so dryly, matter of fact-ly. He can go on same way about marriage too. So let get on our bikes and ride the parts off em.
thank you for delivering the much anticipated daily report!

and best of luck to you, Wes, Mrs. Peel, and Aunt Trixie
Entertaining and imformative.
Would you consider coming over to join our polititions Steve.?
Perhaps they should all buy a Norton.
gathered stuff to fix kitchen ceiling and floor to build up my sense of effective handy man again. uhg.

Hobot, you, of all people shouldn't misspell "ugh". After all, you coined the word, at least on this forum.
Thanks for the mood lifting posts. I miss spell sometimes as can't get loctite on to keep loose/missing brain nuts torqued either. But I've found if ya can keep the pressure on things stay put better- till let offs : (

Matt I've studied and studied various hill climbs both for the climbing styles and bike set ups to climb, but also for sense of the forces and pilot posture in turns when I let Peels hair loose to break free of counter steering and then need of front tire, till the pressure let off. Some say the answer to Cosmic existence and life is the number 42 or 43, depending on which hemisphere they live in or want too. But I say its 45. Of all my pistolas the 45acp is my fav for putting most mass on target faster than thinking. Turns don't really count till 45' angle reached, Climbs ain't a challenge till 45' level. Wheelies don't stifle sprints till 45'. Hi side landings must squat down at 45' to be much fun. Front brake improves till suddenly useless with bike at 45' like on down hill steeps.

Speed scares me and Peel went so fast around so easy in public tights it became counter productive to my 45+ Gee's thrills, too many on going hazards and boring challenges. Yeah imagine that Lugwig, getting bored with the easy predicable switch backs so hopping onto the raw Mt. side to get the screaming level adrenalin fear spikes. Back then ice storms blocked my Mt. sides, so to get my fix, I'd run Peel right off our culvert into that creek that ate Trixie Combat right up immediately.
Peel's an outlaw classed bike, don't fit normal rules, so what's left in actual events she could compete, hill climbs, land speed and drag race. Peel will get a 3rd wheel multi function device, one to fit a track to see if them snowmobiles are funnest thing on snow drags and climbs.

Anywho, Peel's wide tall bars get sneers by the fastest running crowd but besides plenty of leverage and head down room with hands at ear level control, [try it now but add tire squeal & chirps], its mainly for when the going gets tough, pitching over into raw ravines 60+ degrees and having to accelerate over one G to keep front in steering control and to have the pure ballistics of forward inertia to bounce out the bottom pinch and keep rear in jetting trust grip to blast up even taller far side, bike almost vertical me standing bolt upright leaned way forward through the bars with head light in my chest and arms in perfect extended length so still able to control. These hill climbs though always seem to have some run out space at top. No such luxury here, as one there ain't really a top out level, just good lessening of slope but full of tree falls stumps, saplings, holes and leaf piles on top of rocky terrain. I take of on climbs like a dragster crouched low and rear ward then as slope steepens and front gets light I stand on pegs and lean forward like a raging unicyclist. I've never felt more like Superman zooming through Metropolis sky scrappers and door ways.

Regular motorcyclers on balloon tires don't appreciate the trucks knocking down railings but I do on Peel as head is occupies the empty zone in the low sides right before the hi side saves.
Use em and lose em

If ya listen close might hear something rattling loose here. Helps to dry off rain or feel like a nut on Titantic bow but its mostly to refresh my sense of what's ahead on Ms Peel. Can't do full out correct posture with factory bars on of course.

opps there goes another rubber tree...
Back on point, today got the loose RH mirror stem friction bound so could nip up and not trap the brake lever on. Hoped on and started to take off but could not move shift lever, ugh, the tightened peg with a thin spacer to index on clamped the mechanism up. Took apart so washer dropped out and got on out of there. Got the rising rear brake peddle solved too, peg nut was loose so the peddle stop had spun away, Easy fix and got back mostly decent rear braking.

Road a normal un-legal rate ride 20 miles and back w/o issues I've found so far but then again ain't looked yet in case it spoils the perfect mood...
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