she is a far cry from a pro choice republican. she is more like a crooked power hungry socialist just look at what the DNC did to Bernie and I am also NOT supporter of him either. if you look at ALL the scandals around her and her husband the average person would be serving time in a Federal pen. she stood by her philandering husband that was dis barred and impeached for lying to congress she trashed the women that accused him of rape and groping them.she has taken millions of dollars from muslum country's that tread women as chattel property and claims to be for women. she has lied to congress over her e mails as comey has all but stated. just her e mail scandal has has put military personal in prison and at a minimum ruined there career for a LOT less security violations. I don't under stand how ANYONE could belive a word she says or much less vote for such a person for dog catcher much less to run a country.
DonOR said:[
Ms. Clinton is nothing more than a pro-choice republican, and though I'm not a big fan, the sensible choice.