US election poll

she is a far cry from a pro choice republican. she is more like a crooked power hungry socialist just look at what the DNC did to Bernie and I am also NOT supporter of him either. if you look at ALL the scandals around her and her husband the average person would be serving time in a Federal pen. she stood by her philandering husband that was dis barred and impeached for lying to congress she trashed the women that accused him of rape and groping them.she has taken millions of dollars from muslum country's that tread women as chattel property and claims to be for women. she has lied to congress over her e mails as comey has all but stated. just her e mail scandal has has put military personal in prison and at a minimum ruined there career for a LOT less security violations. I don't under stand how ANYONE could belive a word she says or much less vote for such a person for dog catcher much less to run a country.

DonOR said:

Ms. Clinton is nothing more than a pro-choice republican, and though I'm not a big fan, the sensible choice.
bill said:
she is a far cry from a pro choice republican. ......

DonOR said:

Ms. Clinton is nothing more than a pro-choice republican, and though I'm not a big fan, the sensible choice.

Bill, with all due respect; I don't recall ever posting anything "good" about Ms (why do the neocons love her?) or Mr Clinton. But, they do have a history of governing without blowing the world up.

It looks to me like you and I are both businessmen, and I'm sure you understand that it is rare that anyone who goes to the top gets there being a nice guy/gal. It just does not happen. They ALL cheat and lie. Bubba Clinton and Dumbass Trump were both in the same club that chartered flights to the Dominican Republic where they bought very young girls. Trump stole from many small businesses like yours and mine, and exhibits zero in the way of where-with-all, reasoning, or complex thought processes. He doesn't even understand why we can't nuke ISIS!

I'd rather not have voted at all yesterday, but I went with the wicked witch with an IQ over a six times bankrupt "businessman" who ridicules the disabled and brags about his ways with women and "grabbing them by the pussy", and hasn't paid a dime in income tax for 20 years!

Cheers, DE
I'm no political expert by any measure. I have a piss poor opinion of politicals in general.
From a distance it seems America is populated with right around 48% sheeple with short memories. Leemings if you will.
Believe the most recent headlines and dismiss the past.
It's like the "who doesn't deserve a second chance again, again" capital of the world.
The final candidates are the result of the filtering process. It's what there is to choose from and that's that.
No doubt there will be roughly half the country upset by the final outcome.
Since it's inception there have been many who have paid dearly so we would have an opportunity to vote for the country's future.
I confess to voting for the losers, time and time again. I suppose I don't see things the same way as the majority of voters.
Please exercise your right. Vote early and often. See you all Tuesday at the polls.
All the Best.
bill said:
she is a far cry from a pro choice republican. she is more like a crooked power hungry socialist just look at what the DNC did to Bernie and I am also NOT supporter of him either. if you look at ALL the scandals around her and her husband the average person would be serving time in a Federal pen. she stood by her philandering husband that was dis barred and impeached for lying to congress she trashed the women that accused him of rape and groping them.she has taken millions of dollars from muslum country's that tread women as chattel property and claims to be for women. she has lied to congress over her e mails as comey has all but stated. just her e mail scandal has has put military personal in prison and at a minimum ruined there career for a LOT less security violations. I don't under stand how ANYONE could belive a word she says or much less vote for such a person for dog catcher much less to run a country.

Even if that were all true (and it's mostly overblown right-wing blog hype), she's still a better choice to run the country than the pussy-grabbing huckster with the weird hairdo.
As Bob Hope once famously quipped
"You can't fool all of the people all of the time, thats why we have 2 parties".
(with credits to earlier quotees)

The more things change, the more they stay the same... ?
Well, we got the tRump and his evangelical nut-case VP! I just hope tRump makes it through 4 years without getting impeached or assassinated so Pence never gets to take over. What bugs me about the system is that there's no public involvement in the initial choice of candidates for the Presidential election. Clinton was the only "real" choice on the Democrat side and The Donald essentially bullied his competitors out of the Republican choices.

If there had been a "None of the above" choice on the ballot, it might have won!
Reminds me of 1980, President Jimmy Carter, a nice guy with good intentions, (although apart from good intentions ,the guy had little to offer) lost the elections to a B-movie actor we had never heard of, named Ronald Reagan, over here in Europe, we initially could not believe how that could happen.
However, with the benefit of hindsight, I think that Reagan was not a bad president after all.
I hope that history will be repeated in the years to come.
Carter was a disaster.

Claiming "human rights" he cut the legs out from under the Shah and gave the world 40 years of Shia Islamic terror, not to mention crimes of oppression within Iran. I think, in hindsight, the people of Iran would rather have had the Shah.

Then, following the foolish Carter, Reagan stood his ground and bankrupted the militaristic USSR and, domestically, the economic growth enabled by his policies did more for the welfare of minorities than 50 years of the "great society." Blue collar and middle class purchasing power went up. Heck, even the fruit of prosperity picked by Bill Clinton was from the trees Reagan planted - the tax rules that enabled venture capital/silicon valley, for example.

Trump can be crass and certainly is an amateur but his instincts are good. I share your hope Peter.
Trump beat 16 competitors int he primary, and 1 in the general, in the POLLS, that's all of us having 20+ viable CHOICES.

The fact that he was outspent AT LEAST 20 to 1 should tell you SOMETHING.

This SHOULD mark the beginning of the END of the entrenched 2-party mob.
Small consolation for us losers, but Clinton won the popular vote.

The Republican Congress and Senate are jumping on the Trump bandwagon despite many of them holding their noses and others not supporting him. So, for at least the next two years, we will have an entrenched one-party government that plans on doing as they please despite a majority of citizens not voting for their new leader. How that can possibly be an improvement upon the "entrenched two-party system" escapes me. Trumps win certainly does not constitute a third party and it will do absolutely nothing to keep more billionaires (even from outside the US) from using their vast wealth to buy future elections. Entrenchment is alive and healthy.
Look at the graphic on this page – the red/blue map.

Notice the “liberal” west and North East.

Now, double click on three states to look at their red/blue splits: California, Texas, and Florida. You could even do Pennsylvania, as another swing state. They all show the same trend: the major population centers, university towns, and a lot of populated coastal belts are pretty much all blue.

Rural, agricultural America, which is on the decline, and the disaffected blue collar class elected Trump. This has inverted from the Democratic support base of 50-70 years ago, and the corresponding morality shift in this base is palpable in Trump and his supporters.

The Democrats are now the Elites. And they blew it by nominating Clinton – in continuing to foster the expression of Dynastic Presidential Rule in America ("I'll call your two Bushs with two Clintons") over values that connect with a broadening base.
grandpaul said:
The fact that he was outspent AT LEAST 20 to 1 should tell you SOMETHING.

Yes - he doesn't have the support of the folks that matter.
OR, even from his own party. !

grandpaul said:
This SHOULD mark the beginning of the END of the entrenched 2-party mob.

Dream on ?
Its the prevailing economic system/globalisation that is the bogeyman here,
the 2 party system is just a reflection of that system. ?
Other countries have other 2 parties, and they still function more or less the same.
Even countries that have a predominantly one party system...

Somewhat ironic too that the centre of the Capitalist free world is staging a (minor) revolt against Capitalism !

Time will tell, we guess....
gortnipper said:
Rural, agricultural America, which is on the decline,

Interesting stuff.

Actually, it was mentioned that agriculture was almost off the discussion list in the campaign. ?
One of the biggest casualties in any trade war will be US agriculture - being heavily dependent on exports, and export subsidies. Farmers might well be nervous where this is all headed....

Odd too that in a war against the wealthy, one of the 1st steps will be to cut company taxes - and put more $$ in the pockets of the wealthy. !!

Interesting times ahead...
Now . . . . what about equality before the law?
Will the double standard continue?

Will the books of the Canadian Clinton Foundation be forced open to see who donated, when, and for what?
That is what we are missing - who got what from the State Department, when they got it, and was it associated with a donation?

Do the Clintons just walk away with that giant pile of ill gotten cash?

As for the illegal email server, will anyone look into why immunity was granted to so many for so little?
Will anyone ask who decided to not impanel a grand jury, and why?
Will anyone ask why Clinton's FBI interview (as well as several others') was not recorded? Or why they were not placed under oath?

As the Republican Senator Baker of the Watergate Committee asked about Nixon "What did he know, and when did he know it?"

Or, will the MSM and the RINOs tell Trump "Go easy, be nice, make peace, you have to be bi-partisan, shut it down, issue pardons . . . .?"

And . . . . allow apparent crimes and obstruction of justice go?
xbacksideslider said:
Now . . . . what about equality before the law?
Will the double standard continue?

Will the books of the Canadian Clinton Foundation be forced open to see who donated, when, and for what?
That is what we are missing - who got what from the State Department, when they got it, and was it associated with a donation?

Do the Clintons just walk away with that giant pile of ill gotten cash?

As for the illegal email server, will anyone look into why immunity was granted to so many for so little?
Will anyone ask who decided to not impanel a grand jury, and why?
Will anyone ask why Clinton's FBI interview (as well as several others') was not recorded? Or why they were not placed under oath?

As the Republican Senator Baker of the Watergate Committee asked about Nixon "What did he know, and when did he know it?"

Or, will the MSM and the RINOs tell Trump "Go easy, be nice, make peace, you have to be bi-partisan, shut it down, issue pardons . . . .?"

And . . . . allow apparent crimes and obstruction of justice go?

Transparency is the Enemy of all political parties, the GOP included.
So, this election was considerably a White Male driven result:

Results by Gender: A wash out overall
Male: Trump +12%
Female: Clinton + 12%

Results by Race:
White (70% of voters): Trump +21%
- But, interestingly if you look at white males, Trump is +32% while 'only' +10% among white women
Black (12% of voters): Clinton +80%
Hispanic (11% of voters): Clinton +36%
Asian (3% of voters): Clinton +36%
Other (4% of voters): Clinton +19%
Good to see President Trump will be opposing the Reagan and Thatcher globalised neoliberal ideology which gave us the GFC and gave China our jobs. - Oh Hail ! President Trump - our man in the Republican Party.
US election poll