I dont see the comparison, Delorean was never profitable, was it? I believe it had a complete history of growing loss.
Norton Motors has already turned a small profit.
" Norton Motorcycles buys Donington Hall, in Leicestershire, as a new HQ"
Mr Garner said turnover in the year to March 31, 2014, should rise from a seven-figure sum to eight figures.Last year, the company made a profit for the first time since Mr Garner bought it from a US businessman in 2008.
If we were to try a comparison, Delorean needed to produce 12,000 units per year to become profitable but only reached 6,000 at it's peak.
And then there is this -
" What followed is a matter of debate between the British government, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, theDrug Enforcement Administration, DeLorean, his investors, and the US court system. At some point in 1982, John DeLorean became the target of an FBI sting operation designed to arrest drug traffickers. He was arrested in October 1982 and charged with conspiring to smuggle $24 million worth of cocaine into the US. The key element of evidence for the prosecution was a videotape showing DeLorean discussing the drugs deal with undercover FBI agents"
So no, I do not think it is accurate to compare Norton to Delorean.