Read the foot notes to the biker article re accounts and Donnington Hall.
Not a direct comparison I grant but links to dodgy bank deals and grants etc etc
(allegedly I hasnt to add).
I have more money in my one man band company bank acc and no deficit
between assets and liabilities.
It was a great article but between the lines you may find the truth. As I have
always said I wish them luck but there is a long way to go yet.
I was particularly interested in the comments regarding suppliers, as I was
Not a direct comparison I grant but links to dodgy bank deals and grants etc etc
(allegedly I hasnt to add).
I have more money in my one man band company bank acc and no deficit
between assets and liabilities.
It was a great article but between the lines you may find the truth. As I have
always said I wish them luck but there is a long way to go yet.
I was particularly interested in the comments regarding suppliers, as I was