Trouble at Mill

At least nine dissatisfied customers have got their money back after Cdo 961 twins they ordered as long ago as 2009 failed to materialize. Some who had paid £12,500 in advance also received interest, helping offset the costs of debt collection. Etc,etc. you can read the rest in the current Classic Bike page 8. FYI
By 'customers' do you mean - would be - customers? Did they back out purely due to non-delivery, or did they have a test ride & change their minds? Have ALL those who have asked for their deposit returned - got it back?
They were customers, for the couple of years that some of them waited for their bikes. Additionally the article notes another man who put down a £1,500 deposit but got fed up waiting. He cancelled his order 'two years ago' and is still waiting for his money to be returned. Also a former 'N' apprentice was awarded £7,000 by an employment tribunal, for wrongful termination. Anybody who pays for one of these bikes without taking it with them is an idiot!
That was from Classic Bike! This month. How's that gossip? Any good news is welcomed, but bad news is gossip!? Whatever dude.
worntorn said:
Same stuff gets regurgitated again and again. Time to mention Ponzi scheme again?

I has been a few days.

I guess most everybodies bike is running on down the road except for a few who can't seem to rest their jaw or fingers in this regard.

Some of this seems barely interesting sometimes but I can't help thinking about other bikes in the same price point and turn away from the thread.

I have to click on it to cycle it through the que.

For instance or ... s/
I doubt these companies are worried about the competition coming from the 961 Garner Commander.
worntorn said:
Same stuff gets regurgitated again and again. Time to mention Ponzi scheme again?

Just what would you call taking new deposits to pay for the manufacture of motorcycles to deliver to earlier depositors?
JimC said:
worntorn said:
Same stuff gets regurgitated again and again. Time to mention Ponzi scheme again?

Just what would you call taking new deposits to pay for the manufacture of motorcycles to deliver to earlier depositors?
Wow this must be a record, Glen waived the bait and he bit in under 10 minutes. :mrgreen:
worntorn said:
Same stuff gets regurgitated again and again. Time to mention Ponzi scheme again?

As opposed to your invaluable insight? Funny how u criticize this thread, yet never hesitate to check in and give your two cents.
Time to mention Ponzi scheme again?

I like it. Norton PONZI 961. Dont have to call it a Commando.

I hope all goes well as I want to own one in the future.
Has there ever been an objective evaluation of the bike itself? With quantitative data, as opposed to a Crashcart hypefest? Anyone seen a valid/independantly verified set of performance figures?
Sounds OK, but it really sounds more like a Ducati Name. We need a slogan to go with it tho.

"The all new Ducati Ponzi 961SS. Superb Ducati handling with more tractible power than ever.
And the Ponzi is so quick that by the time you ask for your money back, it's already gone!" :)
Cycle World Oct `10 had a 961 ride impression feature & S.G. interview, P. 42-5.
Some figures.. 88mm X 79mm for claimed 79hp @ 6,500rpm & 66.4 ft/lb TQ @ 5,200rpm.
17.5 mph/1000rpm in top gear [ ~115mph @ 6500.. lower geared than original Commando?]
S.G. was quoted re production schedule, "10 per week" [so should be ~ 1000 built by now?]
Also, " Today, the bike is in the middle of US Federal Type Approval..."
The current [12 Sept] of A.M.C.N. P. 14;
Has S.G. claiming that 961s "may" be sold in Australia "before the end of next year". & states ..."the real reason the bike has`t yet made it to America has less to do with compliance & more to do with funding.Garner recently admitted the company had received a 7-figure loan, but did not give away any details of the benefactor."