Like you just said “Classic Bike”.Agree totally with the V4 view, and I do hope it does deliver... Not sure if that's misguided 'brand loyalty', but I would like to see the marque get something sweet out there to help rid the sour taste of Garner..
But, regarding: 'The 961 wasn’t ever a modern bike with modern design or modern technology.'.... In fairness that wasn't how Skinner sold it to Classic Bike at launch... Great emphasis on their F1 ties and the 'best of everything' peripherals.....
Just saying...
The 961 was never claimed to be a high performance bike. Don’t get me wrong, I love mine and I’ll never part with them. But it’s not a performance bike and it has zero technology in it. And that’s perfectly ok.
The New V4SV to me, is kinda missing the mark as far as numbers go compared to say the Ducati V4.
The V4SV is heavier.
Makes at lease 23 less horse power than the lowest rated V4 Ducati. Even lesser than the higher spec Ducatis.
But I must say that honestly that wouldn’t matter to me because it’s WAY more than I’m capable of handling.
I just hope that the new Norton succeeds in all its work and continues to built into a world class brand.