sleeve gear bearing ( gap between case and bearing)

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Aug 7, 2013
Hi everybody once again I need your help!

Couple of months ago I overhauled my gearbox and I now noticed a oildrip running down my primary so I figured it must be a faulty sleeve gear oil seal. Took off the primary and the oilseal behind the sprocket and noticed a small gap between the bearing and the case. When I ran it through the gears the gap disappeared its less than a millimetre.
Will a little bit of loctite be enough or will I need to use shims to?

sleeve gear bearing ( gap between case and bearing)
Sounds like the sleeve gear bearing bore in the shell is too worn to hold the bearing in. When you rebuilt it, did the bearing just drop in without heating the shell? If so, the bearing is just moving back and forth in the shell. You shouldn't be able to fit the bearing without heating the shell. I heat the shell and freeze the bearing to get it to drop in easily. You can check how loose it is by putting the spacer, sprocket, and nut back on the sleeve gear, and see if you can pull and push the assembly back and forth in the shell. Did you check to see if the shell is cracked between the sleeve gear bearing and the countershaft bearing? If so, that can make it hard to keep a tight fit on the sleeve gear bearing. Loctite on the bearing might work, or it might not. I've successfully used Loctite 620 for that purpose, but don't know how long it will last. You might need a new shell to fix it.

On the other hand, it will probably run just fine for a long time as it is, but probably continue to leak a bit.

Hm, if was also messing with clutch adjustment or clutch function then suspect TS main shaft nut backing off.
Might be aggravated by over optimistic lube filing so now just seeking its innate base line level. if still working good and kind of lazy might just put Dexon in AMC and primary and keep it between us. Ms Peel wore the bores new bearings just fell out but oil seal held firm.
If Hobot is right, get onto it straight away. I had a problem with my clutch one or two times and found the PO or someone had not done the trans properly. Not only did they use a copper washer under the clutch main nut, but they did not Loctite [ here's the word again ] the nut behind the clutch throw out mechanism in the g/box. By the time I realised this, the nut had been turned into a bush and was flogging round . I had to strip and clean the gearbox and replace all bearings and worn buses to fix this.

Stuff what the manual says. Use loctite wherever you cant access any nut or bolt that is on a moving item and that doesn't have a lock tab on it. Full stop..

Thanx guys so far

Shell is fine no cracks as far as I can see now. (maybe inside)
Did the bearing just like you said the heating and freezing. Was a tight fit so I saw no reason for loctite.

Little extra info:
the bearing is moving together with the sleeve gear like the inner fit is tighter then the fit in the shell and i cant move it by hand, only when I tap the sleeve gear with a nylon hammer it moves in , when I run it through the gears it pops back.
So next question is there supposed to be a little play between the sleeve gear and the mainshaft 3rd gea?
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