Hi everybody once again I need your help!
Couple of months ago I overhauled my gearbox and I now noticed a oildrip running down my primary so I figured it must be a faulty sleeve gear oil seal. Took off the primary and the oilseal behind the sprocket and noticed a small gap between the bearing and the case. When I ran it through the gears the gap disappeared its less than a millimetre.
Will a little bit of loctite be enough or will I need to use shims to?
Couple of months ago I overhauled my gearbox and I now noticed a oildrip running down my primary so I figured it must be a faulty sleeve gear oil seal. Took off the primary and the oilseal behind the sprocket and noticed a small gap between the bearing and the case. When I ran it through the gears the gap disappeared its less than a millimetre.
Will a little bit of loctite be enough or will I need to use shims to?