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Not exactly mine if you ask my wife who decided she's not up to Graveling to pavement so I'm only pilot. I'll go 90 mph down a long steep and 80 on the level with no head wind. It will kick its little tire out and around in yard play w/o much trouble but tiny tires arn't that stable to be speeding around on in windy conditions. Honda 250 Reflex, ~60 mpg and easy on tires so about the limit for claiming a two wheeler for economy reasons. One neat thing it does on its stand is watching the rear tire expand with rpm.

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Picked this up before Xmas. Waited years too long to get one. Such a fun machine. Not a great pic but taken earlier after returning from a Hot cider run due to our 30 deg F NYC weather.
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I got no photos to load (until I learn how to ) but my other bikes aswell as the 2 x Mk 3 Commandos, I got 2 x 973cc Triumph T160s, a T140 done like a TR6C high pipes etc, and as a runaround a 95 MZ Skorpion, if you aren't familiar with it has a 660 cc w/c single Yam motor in a German chassis, and it's a great little bike. I have a couple of pics of the Trident in the gallery of .
The T160 that I've owned @30 years has done around 80,000 miles , cost me a divorce and 2 houses but hey, still got the bike :)
trident sam said:
I got no photos to load (until I learn how to ) but my other bikes aswell as the 2 x Mk 3 Commandos, I got 2 x 973cc Triumph T160s, a T140 done like a TR6C high pipes etc, and as a runaround a 95 MZ Skorpion, if you aren't familiar with it has a 660 cc w/c single Yam motor in a German chassis, and it's a great little bike. I have a couple of pics of the Trident in the gallery of .
The T160 that I've owned @30 years has done around 80,000 miles , cost me a divorce and 2 houses but hey, still got the bike :)

Whaaaaat, you’re divorced wife didn’t want half of it :!: :wink:

you lucky S.o.b.
Ha. Not sure about lucky, I worked 2 jobs for 30 years to get what I got, and the bikes always came before anything else, didn't even have heating in the house til 5 years ago !
Probably a doomed marriage from the start though, she wasn't impressed when I bought her a new set of raygun exhausts for her birthday, ungrateful person I thought, so I had to keep them for myself.
About the only bike I have a hankering for now is a late 60s US spec BSA A65 Lightning, maybe one day :?
A late 60's BSA is really one of the last sleepers left. They
just arent as sought after as Triumph. Nice enough to look
at but the bush main and the vibration tend to put me off.
Plenty of miles on them in the Days of My Youth.
I was looking at a Fullauto head for the 750 but brought another bike instead,add a 1957 TR6 Trophy,one of my all time favorite Triumphs.
If I can find a reasonable WD 16H or M20 I am done. :wink:
Cowboy Don said:
Oooooh! Time Warp, let's play! I've always loved these bikes, even being a Norton guy. I've got a 'poor mans' version, alloy tanked XT & TT500's, but would love one of these twins for the fire roads. Whereabouts in Aus are ya, near Adelaide?

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Ooooooo, dats nice!
Soulkitchen said:
Ooooooo, dats nice!

They are cool old bikes. :D
The TR6 will sail next month from CA,if I can get it half as good as the lower pic I will be more than happy.
I need to learn up on Pre units.

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I'm adding this to the collection next month. Buying her from a friend. I've been looking to get a little dirt bike for a while. Should be a fun one!



Time Warp said:
The TR6 will sail next month from CA,if I can get it half as good as the lower pic I will be more than happy.
I need to learn up on Pre units.

That's excellent Time Warp, congratulations, they're beautiful bikes.
Hmmm, does this mean there's no more room in the shed for the TR5T?
I just saw and browsed through this thread. I see there aren't many UJM. So, here's mine - 1977 KZ1000. I know, that's heresy to many on this forum. But, it's a really good bike. I rebuilt it from rough shape. I had one from new in 1977 but sold it in a money-crunch in about 1985. So, this is me revisiting my youth.

It looks stock, but it's 1045cc with 10:1 CR, Cavanagh ported head, 28mm pumper carbs, taper bearing steering head, Race-tech front suspension and Ikon shocks. Don't knock these big Kawasakis 'til you've tried 'em :)

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