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Tigcraft Frame: Yamaha R6 (c 2003) forks: Yamaha TZ250 (c1989) rear suspension: Yamaha SRX600 (c1986) engine.

The SRX engine has a balance shaft, but my 850 Commando racer with its isolastics is a bit smoother.

The Commando must be a bit faster in a straight line because Iap times on both bikes are about the same and the Tigcraft with its modern, tubeless, radial tires is considerably quicker through the turns.

The Tigcraft sounds awesome!

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Corona850 said:
I just saw and browsed through this thread. I see there aren't many UJM. So, here's mine - 1977 KZ1000. I know, that's heresy to many on this forum. But, it's a really good bike. I rebuilt it from rough shape. I had one from new in 1977 but sold it in a money-crunch in about 1985. So, this is me revisiting my youth.

It looks stock, but it's 1045cc with 10:1 CR, Cavanagh ported head, 28mm pumper carbs, taper bearing steering head, Race-tech front suspension and Ikon shocks. Don't knock these big Kawasakis 'til you've tried 'em :)

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These big 4 banger 'naked' Kawaski's seem to have the most fun of all the hot shots in my area and pretty much all leave our village square with wheelies carried out of sight or ahead of the other plastic covered sports bikes. I was seriously considering one until I realized may be able to match with a Drouin big block, maybe.
The 2007 Hypermotard might be one of the closest modern bikes that have old school tendencies.
Of course Ducati have sanitised them now,4 valve engine,water cooling,civilised. :roll:
You know there is something wrong when you spend the day working on Nortons and give one of your bikes to someone else to ride for the day. :lol:

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I had a 81 Z1000J some 30 years ago,great bike like all the big Z's (KZ's)
Good on gravel roads also. :wink:

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Time Warp said:
I had a 81 Z1000J some 30 years ago,great bike like all the big Z's (KZ's). Good on gravel roads also.

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I believe you about the gravel roads. I had this one up to 80 on a long county road that had several short bridges over gullies. I did slow down to about 60 to jump the bridges...

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I still have it, but it could use some freshening up. 1980 KZ1000 A4
yea , you have to be caefull when your rideing along the roadside at 60 mph with the raised driveways coming across . :x :oops: Though ' good ' was 100 knots hands off , though on freshly laid gravel , on the pre unit T120 . not as top heavy :P .
This is my Guzzi Le Mans 1 which I have owned now for 2 years. I've completely rebuilt it as it was completely sh*gged out when I bought it. Apart from the "young mans" riding position which can be slightly uncomfortable after an hour or so in the saddle, I really enjoy riding it. I have had the crank balanced by Basset Down and it is extremely smooooooooth and I love the linked brakes. I've got most issues sorted out now, so I'll just have to enjoy it by riding it. :lol: :lol: ... 2f4041.jpg ... 250e0f.jpg
beautiful Reggie!

Reggie said:
This is my Guzzi Le Mans 1 which I have owned now for 2 years. I've completely rebuilt it as it was completely sh*gged out when I bought it. Apart from the "young mans" riding position which can be slightly uncomfortable after an hour or so in the saddle, I really enjoy riding it. I have had the crank balanced by Basset Down and it is extremely smooooooooth and I love the linked brakes. I've got most issues sorted out now, so I'll just have to enjoy it by riding it. :lol: :lol: ... 2f4041.jpg ... 250e0f.jpg
Mark said:
.....Other than our beloved Nortons, What other bikes do you have?
What's your everyday ride?

My daily ride has always been Nortons. I rode a Commando for years then a Dominator for years. If a Norton is not your everyday bike then that makes you a collector or investor or something else.

I was talking to a guy on the phone recently who said he could not believe I never had a modern bike to ride, it happens to a few crazies I guess. I did have an 80s Harley Sportster I fixed up over the course of several months because an older relative gave it to me, so I got to ride it on the street a fair amount before I traded it away for a Norton Dominator. And one season after I sold my Commando and before I got my Dominator I rode an xr750 Harley racer on the street which I put dummy lights and a front disk brake setup onto. Aside from the occasional odd ride on someone else's bike that is the whole story.

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Now thats a motorcycle . Ive realised a dummy battery with the dummy lights could be usefull , or not so dummy , total loss lighting .
I think Australia Post would have much better deliveries with those , compared to the Honda 110s .

Dont suppose you hung onto it ?

howd it compare to the Norton generally & specifically . Still think theyre the only real motorcycle those chaps've made
in quite some years now , though the heads were fitted to one of there sportster variants . Seemed to make a habit
of putting the valves into the pistons through seizure . Maybe never changed the clearances so didnt get the oiling
with the average harley rider not reving the snot out of them , whiched get the oil pump revolveing .

No excuses for getting to work late , on that . though the temptation would be not to stop when / if you got there . :)
beng said:
If a Norton is not your everyday bike then that makes you a collector or investor or something else.

Perhaps that something else is - an enthusiast ?!

There are far too many good bikes out there to have just 1, or 2 ?
Or just one brand even.
We start to see why you are so stuck in the past ?
If folks didn't think that they could build a better mousetrap, we'd all still be riding penny farthings. ...

(For those that don't appreciate what a penny farthing is, or how far back on the evolutionary scale it is...).
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P.S. Since you (or anyone for that matter) can't ride more than 1 bike at a time, then by your definition anyone with more than 1 bike is a 'collector' ??
This thread I thought was about people who actually own and ride motorcycles ?
I guess since it has taken a MG direction this page,a rehash won't hurt.
1973 Eldorado.
Like the two Commando's I have,this was also saved from the mechanically inept at great expense and time.
Of course I haven't owned any form of four wheeled transport in close to six years,that makes me a real motorcyclist,right. :lol:

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The Eldorado is my womans favorite motorcycle. I think that they are pretty cool too!
Is that a 79 Gl1000 I see in the background? another one of my "best bike" picks!
That was one of the pictures from the person I brought it off (New York) as is the one below, I never have been much into taking photo's of my own bikes it seems.
Wealthy but clueless to what a decent running bike is,the rings had gone through the chrome bore and into the alloy of the cylinder at TDC.
It is being prepped for a round Australia trip (18000 kms) in the new year.
I look after all of my motorcycles but they in return must earn their keep.
As posted before,only ever brought 30 motorcycles,still have 21 of them.

The Eldorado will do anything and most likely more than most modern bikes including MG's.

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Once Ben is involved, nothing is sacred - or beyond criticism.

Thats a pretty fancy garage someone has there !
Can't be yours, it has cars in it ?

Common problem with early guzzi chrome bores.
At least the Lemans kept away from that stuff...

Some folks I know of also have penny farthings - and race them even. !
Claim you can't appreciate 'modern' bikes until you have ridden the earlier versions.
They must have long legs, or flexible pelveii (plural of pelvis) ??
Being a bit nuts helps too !
Does that make them better investors - or collectors - or enthusiasts.
Or are they the only true believers...
It was the sellers garage.
I never have been bothered by cost,investment or other such things,payed $3500 for my 1973 750 GT in the 1990's,they are a 15 to 20 k bike these days.
Turned a Vincent down in the mid 1990's for a 1/4 of what they ask these days for a non runner.
Was offered a fully restored including spare engine and transmission AJS 500 for $400,no thanks.
I march to the beat of my own drum so am not interested in some of the silly posts,if you only rode one brand or model of motorcycle all that means is your imagination and perception of a changing world was very limited.
A closed mind is one step away from 'waiting to die especially as you get older.
I would like a Norton Model 18 - 19 or a 16H but need to prepare mentally to go back in time that far let alone find a good bike,a good deal of them are overpriced parts bin specials or junk.
If you put a Manx in that line up I wouldn't even see it,I like a working mans motorcycle not some prima donna cup cake,everyone has their likes and dislikes.