Question about Brexit

Nothing screams "I'm not a racist" like implying the world's indigenous people were better off under oppressive colonial rule because they were "too busy eating each other"
Nothing screams "I'm not a racist" like implying the world's indigenous people were better off under oppressive colonial rule because they were "too busy eating each other"

You should do yourself a favour and watch old episodes of Monty Python, they would show you how to throw your dummy out of the pram properly
Perhaps I AM being a little holier than thou, I apologize.

I have fun with the back and forth here. Don't mean to come off like a smart ass, don't hesitate to tell me to fuck off, we all need to hear it sometimes.
Interesting from the viewpoint of a Yank, here. A darkie in Britain seems to be a black skinned person from India.
Yum! Love that food! Those folks were colonialized and allowed into GB as cheap labor and restaurant owners.
Now a black skinned person's ancesters in the USA were captured by competing African tribes and sold to Arab
traders who then sold these folks to the slave trade. Slaves to America/Carribian islands "owned" by British overlords
to farm cotton/cane sugar to be shipped back to Britain for the textile and rum industries. While GB did outlaw
"slavery" in it's homeland and possessions early on, there was no other way for millions of former African slaves to
survive but to work the plantations for sub-minimum wages.
I find it interesting how folks can now state, "it wasn't me that did those bad things back then". Of course it wasn't
YOU that did those things. It WAS, though an economic system from which "whitey" prospered and colored folks
were kept down. Tis a fact. Reparations? How about letting go of the "I'm not a racist" theme. When was the last
time you invited a family of "black" folks to have Christmans dinner with your family?
There are always competing truths, meaning no single truth proves an entire narrative.

For example: In america, the Lakota Souix were ceded the black hills by the american government in the 1800's, because they had been driven off their lands so many times by settlers moving west that the government felt it needed to grant them some land . Eventually they were driven off much of the black hills too because of mining interests. These facts paint a picture of the lakota as the victims of "white settlers". That's not the entire story. It seems the black hills when america was founded was inhabited by the cheyenne people, who were concquered by the Souix in the 1700's and driven off those lands. You don't hear the Souix talking much about returning the black hills to the Cheyenne....

So, whitey is racist. How about the Souix? Maybe we could ask the Cheyenne...

My point is that we all are immersed in our culture, and no culture has a history of flawless behavior. None of us had anything to do with creating the culture we are born into, Not the rich white "Kennedy kids", nor african canibals of the 16th century. There is no "adjusted equality" at birth for each person, and my parents weren't "Kennedys". There's no need to atone for the sins of the past. We just need to recognize them and not repeat them.

The best we can do is be good individuals and support fairness going forward. Retroactive reparrations is a terrible idea for many reasons. (too many to explain unless it comes to that) In general, the often played white privelige card and racism card has become a joke. In this country a poor white/black guy/girl only has the advantages their parents afford them. If their parents are Bill and Hillary Clinton, you bet there's a privelige to being their child, and it isn't because of their skin color. Corey Booker's parents were wealthy executives. He went to Stamford, Oxford, and Yale.

If you are a white collar, grad school educated liberal white professional, perhaps you feel acknowledging "white priveledge" or "racism" is some sort of absolution for your own person advantage being born to parents who afforded you a better chance to get ahead, but if you have those blessings, you have them over all underpriveledged people of every race and gender. I suppose you don't need absolution from any of them since there's no stigma to being more priveledged than some white hillbilly woman, so please stop waving the racism flag...

If you see racism, be specific as to who, what, where, and why. Don't indict an entire group of people as racist, or priveledged. It sets up a narrative that explains all situations based on race, and clearly that's not the overwhelming factor to determin people's choices in life.

As an evolved modern human of any race, color, creed, "You are, what you do, what you believe, and how you treat others, NOT how high and mighty your words sound". So confirming that racism exists in the world is stupid without pointing it out specifically. It's more of an attempt to innoculate yourself against the accusation of racism because it's so stigmatizing than it is some effort to help another disadvantaged human being. (which would be a good thing to do to a person of any race or gender,...etc)

Inviting some black family to christmas dinner?? You're brainwashed. Who would think of people to invite to christmas dinner based on their skin color?? I think some black families should invite me to christmas dinner. We'd have a great time, and they'd be feeding a poor white boy and feeling good about their racism... (that sounds weird right?? so why don't you think the opposite is weird?)

Anytime you want to pull the plug on this Jerry, I have just let out a shitstorm... ;)
Frank, if history is any indication a plug pulling will only send the party elsewhere!!

Verbosity is your best weapon. You have won this war of attrition, there is just too much to respond to.

Ironically I believe you summed things up perfectly in your opening sentence.

Corey Booker grew up two houses down from my grandparents in Harrington Park NJ. Middle class, white conservative community.
I could Google Street view you his house.

Honestly a bunch of white guys on an internet motorcycle forum are the least qualified people to discuss race. Especially in a BREXIT thread!!!
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We have indigenous people in Australia whose ancestors came here 40,000 years ago. When they intermarry with Europeans, their kids look only very slightly different. So the genetic differences are probably almost zero. But that does not stop discrimination. If you go where the rednecks are, any foreigner can cop it. All you need is to be educated and open-minded. Where I live, I ignore ignorance. If I go to lunch with my wife, I sit with the women. At least they can usually hold a conversation.
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Interesting from the viewpoint of a Yank, here. A darkie in Britain seems to be a black skinned person from India.
Yum! Love that food! Those folks were colonialized and allowed into GB as cheap labor and restaurant owners.
Now a black skinned person's ancesters in the USA were captured by competing African tribes and sold to Arab
traders who then sold these folks to the slave trade. Slaves to America/Carribian islands "owned" by British overlords
to farm cotton/cane sugar to be shipped back to Britain for the textile and rum industries. While GB did outlaw
"slavery" in it's homeland and possessions early on, there was no other way for millions of former African slaves to
survive but to work the plantations for sub-minimum wages.
I find it interesting how folks can now state, "it wasn't me that did those bad things back then". Of course it wasn't
YOU that did those things. It WAS, though an economic system from which "whitey" prospered and colored folks
were kept down. Tis a fact. Reparations? How about letting go of the "I'm not a racist" theme. When was the last
time you invited a family of "black" folks to have Christmans dinner with your family?

Oh you didn't have to be colonialized in GB to be used as cheap labour, it was the norm for the working class before Clement Attlee.
My dad dragged himself out of abject poverty due to his work ethic, he never saw anyone as beneath him, so don't you bloody dare to
lecture me.
The modern England you enjoy everyday was built upon the exploitation of "lesser" civilizations across the globe. Pillaging natural resources and directing trade for English benefit. Whether you like it or not you are profiting indirectly from centuries of injustice.

For the record I don't always agree with this argument but I do understand it's merits.
the modern England today? my pension / retirement age is getting further away as we speak. immigration has to be paid for. and I don't have access to corbyns money tree. he wants to build more houses. what? to house the foreign builders he thinks so highly of? the man is an idiot. they will need digs to stay in. as ive said before. "you couldn't make it up"
Interesting from the viewpoint of a Yank, here. A darkie in Britain seems to be a black skinned person from India.
Yum! Love that food! Those folks were colonialized and allowed into GB as cheap labor and restaurant owners.
Now a black skinned person's ancesters in the USA were captured by competing African tribes and sold to Arab
traders who then sold these folks to the slave trade. Slaves to America/Carribian islands "owned" by British overlords
to farm cotton/cane sugar to be shipped back to Britain for the textile and rum industries. While GB did outlaw
"slavery" in it's homeland and possessions early on, there was no other way for millions of former African slaves to
survive but to work the plantations for sub-minimum wages.
I find it interesting how folks can now state, "it wasn't me that did those bad things back then". Of course it wasn't
YOU that did those things. It WAS, though an economic system from which "whitey" prospered and colored folks
were kept down. Tis a fact. Reparations? How about letting go of the "I'm not a racist" theme. When was the last
time you invited a family of "black" folks to have Christmans dinner with your family?
last time they sold out of turkeys
Non of my veggie, vegan friends have ever cooked me a good roast dinner, but expect me to boil them a cabbage for Xmas. And they are green in colour. Still invite them as good company and most like beer . We chew the fat or soya protein well and agree to disagree , but always part as mates !!!!
the modern England today? my pension / retirement age is getting further away as we speak. immigration has to be paid for. and I don't have access to corbyns money tree. he wants to build more houses. what? to house the foreign builders he thinks so highly of? the man is an idiot. they will need digs to stay in. as ive said before. "you couldn't make it up"

In Australia and Sydney and Melbourne in particular, our housing Ponzi scheme is based upon immigration. Immigrants bring money and buy our houses, as long as you don't accept genuine refugees. Most of our immigrants arrive by plane - we hate boat people because they usually have no money, so have to be supported on welfare.
If you have an aging population, you need to get workers from somewhere, otherwise the alternative is to increase the retirement age.
In Australia and Sydney and Melbourne in particular, our housing Ponzi scheme is based upon immigration. Immigrants bring money and buy our houses, as long as you don't accept genuine refugees. Most of our immigrants arrive by plane - we hate boat people because they usually have no money, so have to be supported on welfare.

Of course the joke is that these days we buy most of our manufactured goods from China because Australian wages are high, so the Chinese can afford to buy our houses with our money. Meanwhile our domestic economy is feeding off itself, because in a consumption-based economy, wealth is created by adding value to a product or service - that is now mostly done in China. Our free trade deals appear to be more directed at crushing Australian unions, than they are about creating wealth in Australia.
About adding value - in wars there are usually ten soldiers behind every soldier in the front line. Our economy is probably similar in respect of who adds value and who is in a supporting role. If nobody adds value . . . ?