pipe broke

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Best I can glean from Mr Hudson, Capt. Norton and various other forums is if the ring nuts are not insanely nipped up then vibration slack gradually powderizes the alloy threads. This is one reason against safety wire which only keeps from coming off not maintaining clamp force and resultant microscopic shifting of threads till you know what. We should put these poor things out of our misery in a window somewhere.
I have only just noticed this thread. It looks like you are having the same problems as me. The more I think about this , the more convinced I am that this is to do with the quality of the steel being used. Sadly a lot of this comes from eastern Europe, India & China as Britain produces very little steel compared to 30 or 40 years ago.
Any Metallurgists out there that would like to comment on this?
Good one Matchless - considering this is a vintage oriented bunch still operating under impression prices should still be '70's range and anyone compensating for the decades of funny money dilution would be accused of ripping everyone off and go out of business on lack of market and spoiled reputation. Add to above inflated numbers the extra expensive use of proper material there'd only be a few custom made one to $atisfy your concept. Maybe a flexible accordion connector might help the rough road riders but would be spit at by many strong opinionated viewers. In meantime i keep extra shifter pawl spring, 1st gear bush, clutch locator circlips, tires and header set on hand for faster service and less inflation numbers increase. My headers last about 3 new muffler blow outs with my against the grain slip shod junctions.

http://www.magellanmetals.com/inconel_6 ... oCQ7zw_wcB

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