Awesome video on the selfie stick Mark & great turn out,hope any NOC members are now on Access Norton, as we know there is more 961 stuff on ere , looks like that’s one for same weekend next year then.
The summer holiday s of late July/August here proved a tough time last year to get few of us together what with wives & kids, mistress’s & asbo,s ( that’s anti social behaviour orders with a curfew) For rest of world.
Any of us can always buddy up to your nearest 961 chum ,this is my manor bottom r/h corner of a small island ( England)25/30 miles of the North West Coast of Europe .
Early July good for meet up ?
Also note, that’s storm42 on my bike, I think I nearly tipped him over the edge into wanting one... not sure what he thinks after sleeping on it tho, waddya say Ralph??

I thought I recognised the bike... and I thought I saw the helmet up near the Norvils early on.... I didn't twig that it was your bike! Yeah those mirrors have a lot of allen bolts and think its worth putting some threadlock on 'em.
Also note, that’s storm42 on my bike, I think I nearly tipped him over the edge into wanting one... not sure what he thinks after sleeping on it tho, waddya say Ralph??

I suppose I have wanted one since I first saw them but !!! well never mind the buts. I have always liked the look of them and now I have ridden one I like how they ride, in fact I totally 100% get why owners like them, I just don't have the spare cash just now. When this racing thing is has lost its draw then who knows.

It was good to see so many in one place yesterday.

I could spend a lot of time riding the roads round here on one (Derbyshire) and I now know I would enjoy every mile.

Thanks for letting me ride it Nigel and what you said about the Enfield being too quiet, not any more :D
I suppose I have wanted one since I first saw them but !!! well never mind the buts. I have always liked the look of them and now I have ridden one I like how they ride, in fact I totally 100% get why owners like them, I just don't have the spare cash just now. When this racing thing is has lost its draw then who knows.

It was good to see so many in one place yesterday.

Nice to meet up with you again after our brief conversation in Belgium last August - best of luck with the racing - glad you like the 961 as they are a lot of fun as you can see from Mark's posting above about our 'spirited' run after leaving Welford (picture taken in Uppingham) - Alan (yellow 961)
I suppose I have wanted one since I first saw them but !!! well never mind the buts. I have always liked the look of them and now I have ridden one I like how they ride, in fact I totally 100% get why owners like them... what you said about the Enfield being too quiet, not any more :D

I was in the same boat Ralph, put it off for years mainly through fear of the potential issues. But mine has been great thus far and it makes me realise that it would be a huge shame to miss out on the enjoyment through fear (although having one as an only mode of transport might be, errr, brave).

Anyways, that’s fast work on the Enfield, I assume we’ll see pics in the Enfield section soon?
A healthy debate concerning whether it was compulsory to leave your indicators on during a 'spirited' ride out and who amongst us was the worst offender lol


Had a great ride with a great bunch of lads. 180miles all told and at an impressive 57mpg average.
57 MPG is great fuel economy , I see why you would be pleased !
Nice to meet up with you again after our brief conversation in Belgium last August - best of luck with the racing - glad you like the 961 as they are a lot of fun as you can see from Mark's posting above about our 'spirited' run after leaving Welford (picture taken in Uppingham) - Alan (yellow 961)

Thanks Alan, good to see you and the yellow Norton again, it is high up on the list for the colour when I go for one, or black, or the classy green of Eljahara's, or silver, sod it any colour would be fine. I noticed everyone is smiling in that picture.
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(although having one as an only mode of transport might be, errr, brave).

Anyways, that’s fast work on the Enfield, I assume we’ll see pics in the Enfield section soon?

Yep and that is a big thing considering the cost, however I do have too many bikes and if I move a few on I could have one as a toy and I have the RS and the ZRX for touring purposes, mind you, I met Alan in Belgium and he was on his Norton so !!!!

I will take a pic of the Enfield tomorrow. I got some spare silences when I bought the Bonny, they are like early Triumph Bonneville ones and have a bit of a bark to them.
We were in wodgedodge's backyard so it was always going to be a challenge to keep up with him leading the run.... loved every minute of it though :)

PS: Shorties rule!
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Here's an edit of the full vid, a bit long, very amateur, highly compressed (YouTube upload settings?), very wide angle, but I learn't a lot in the process. The original was shot in the camera's lowest resolution but looks great on my screen and sound is clearer, so not sure yet why it is so compressed on YouTube. Grab a beer or two, watch it in a smaller window and turn up the volume..... I can only improve :)

I've just seen that YouTube have changed it's settings from 360 to HD to should be ok in a larger window :) :) :)

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