Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Thanks mate :) that's interesting to know one other thing I was wondering might be a daft question but I'll ask anyway do the headbolts have any stretch issues an does anyone have a measurement to check to them
Bit of a longshot has anyone got a photo of the wiring runs around the battery tray area, can't remember which bit's go through the tray holes, also does it run up the lh side of the frame?

Thanks in advance,
Well looks like I just came to a grinding hault everyone drat!

Got some serious thinking to do now with regards to the head certainly going to need valves, guides n springs n maybe new valve seats.

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30
As TW says, looks like someone’s (misguided IMHO) attempt at a tuning mod.

One guide looks to have quite a bit missing, over zealous tuning there I assume. The issue is it’s a large amount of valve support missing. IMHO I’d probably go new valves and guides in this.

Fortunately, standard valves and guides are not expensive.

Why do you say it might need seats? Unless they are very recessed due to wear and prior cutting and grinding, they should be ok. From the pics you posted, I thought they looked ok?
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Managed to get two better mobile pics looks like someone's got a bit giddy with a dremel or they smashed both the exhaust valves at some point maybe but thats only a guess. Looking at the ports it looks like they have got really giddy with some idea in there head haha! Pun intended. I was a bit concerned about the scoring on the seats Eddie but I am still learning about these things.

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30
I must admit Paul thats been running through my mind depending on what I could track a 68' head down for.
What do the inlet ports look like? Have they been opened up?
I think they should be 28mm on an early head
If it were mine I would fit new valve guides and valves and cut the seats and give it a go
It doesn't look like it's been skimmed to get the compression higher or anything like that
Can you post some more photos up?
If you decide to do the valve guides yourself take lots of advice first , there's lots of pitfalls with replacing valve guides on commandos
Keep us informed what you plan to do
Cooking on gas guys :) cylinder is fitted.

Had a few quotes on putting the guides in new seats so gonna explore getting a better 68 head first as there's other bits id like to fix on it as well so looks like it could be more cost effective to get a replacment. Missed out on a nos one for 300 quid the other week sods law always when you arnt looking lol.

Norton Villiers Commando 1968 Re commissioning an adventures at 30