As long as the two upper holes are good with them being an alinement fit it should be an enjoyable reassembly.
I will suggest, parts can not be clean enough, an oil filter is of little use (even if it was in the pressure side of the pump) if there is any form of debris between it and the connecting rod bearings at first start up.
I go to great lengths to make sure every oil passage is clean, that includes bits that could detach.
Oil feed holes chamfered including the inner side in the sludge trap from the drilling process at manufacture.
If the journal is to be ground under size the feed holes can be readdressed before that material removal (which can reduce the external chamfer)
On an existing journal I light polish them with immersed #2000 then shoe string type polishing with Autosol and towelling strips then cleaned. (That includes the journal side radius)
All other holes get a light chamfer which includes all at the joint between the flywheel and crank half for maximum contact.
(I do wonder if some Commando's have a oil pressure loss at the two flywheel join faces)
This crank measured up on the money at 1.75" (44.45 mm) and would have been a crime to grind it.
There is not excuse to have an unreliable 'old motorcycle, all it takes is time in many cases.
View attachment 19173
Keep up the great work and always good to see someone with dark hair hands on.