+1 They are the "Sunday Sport" of moto journalism in my opinion. I gave up my subscription and became a VIP member on here. Much better value and no lies or bullshit (well mostly

If I had the choice of a rare Donnington bike or a Brummy std. one and the prices were similar, I would defo go for the latter I think.
I have to admit I was eagerly awaiting what TVS would announce but was a little non plussed when I saw it. Don't get me wrong I love the 961, and am please they are to continue production, but they could have made so many little changes to improve it's looks and really put their stamp on it.
- Got rid of or hidden the ugly air / oil separator and the inline oil filter.
- Changed the route of the alternator wiring (so it comes from the back of the primary chest for example).
- Changed the oil cooler inlet and outlet so the pipes can run along the frame tubes and straight in.
- Covered the injector cable pully
- Not used ugly remote hydraulic reservoirs (at least on the SF)
- Bigger airbox
- Single seat option
- Improved foot controls (more comfortable)
They need to look at any modern Triumph, there is hardly a cable or hose to be seen.
However, on the plus side I guess it means the basic design of the 961 was sound.
Hopefully someone on here who has plenty of 961 miles will go and test ride a new one and report back.
Anyway, all that said I say good luck Norton, this is a new dawn! The brand needs it after all it's been through.