kempoyner said:
My Norton has the center oil tank with the aircleaner infront. Carbs attach with two rubber boots. The front of the oil tank has a chewed up nut sticking through a hole. That would be inside air filter. Nothing is attached to that nut (almost looks twisted off) is that part of the timed breather you mention? I was puzzled as to what that was. How does a timed breather work? Lastly, who sells 750S upswept pipes and mufflers?
The hole in the front of the oil tank is the oil tank breather. That hole, if you look inside the tank, goes straight back, curves up and into the top hat thingie where it ends. It's just a sort of seperator to keep the oil from the breather from getting out the oil tank breather. Here is what the central oil tank looks like (unmolested), where the air filter is.
The right angle fitting off the left side of the engine goes to a rubber hose that ends up in either the top hat on a spigot, or if it's a later 'early' tank in front of the top hat thingie. Here is my 'early' oil tank with the engine breather spigot that goes into the to hat spigot. The later tanks have a spigot off the top of the main tank behind the top hat thingie. I have one and can get a pic if you really want one.
I always had oil dripping out of the hole in the front of the tank in the air filter, dripping down on the air filter, and eventually down onto the top of the gear box, where it would drip down from there and all over the bottom of the engine, prop stand, centre stand, etc. You get my drift. I installed a tube in that hole and brought it out the front of the air filer and into a catch bottle, and that stopped a lot of oil from dripping around, but the best thing I did was install a ball valve on the oil feed from the tank to the timing chest, and that has stopped the wet sumping and nearly all oil leaks from the engine. Here's my catch bottle.
And here's the ball valve in the oil feed line, but you better put a switch on it of some kind so you don't blow the top end from lack of oil.
If you need any specific info on the early bike, PM me. I may or may not be able to help. S type exhaust systems are available from most dealers. You will need the dog leg bracket and a few other parts if you don't have it.