New electric start conversion

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lcrken said:
bsaboss said:
I think Old Britts is out of the electric starter business nowadays, and I tried QPD a year or two ago and didn't get a reply to my email. If CNW can come up with something I'd be fist in line. Everything I've bought from them has been beautifully made and works just as intended.

I don't think Fred is completely out of the starter business. I bought all the bits that I needed from him earlier this year with no problem. I didn't buy his engine cradle or primary covers, because I'm doing my own with some mods, but I bought pretty much everything else from his kit.


He has some parts still available but I don't think he's actively doing any conversions.
I tried Quiet Power Drive and got no response (which was exactly the same result I got a few years ago). Fred replied very promptly and offered to help if I wanted to try and develop something, but sadly that level of engineering is well beyond me. Billy Joel's bike used a slanted forward engine, so not the same as a standard featherbed. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that one does get developed by Matt and John. Featherbed twins with an alternator were made between 1958 and 1970 so there must still be many thousands out there and I suspect many have owners who would love an electric leg and would be happy to put ease of use before total originality (people put them on Velos and Vincents after all). Cheers.
Matt, I hope you will post your prices on this board for those of us that cannot make it to Alabama. Jim
Yellow_Cad said:
Is there any more on this after Barber? Jim


Matt had a price list at Barbers, and it was very competitive with current offerings, verrrrrrrry competitive. He actually put out prices that were below his estimates on his web page.

Matt is currently in route from Barber to Dolores and refuses to enter the 21st century. So he cannot update this thread with pictures and prices until he reaches the shop in Colorado. I would imagine you will see an update on Thursday or Friday

BTW, the system worked great on build 119, which was on display at Barber. Matt got some great pictures of this build at the show. I will post a couple shots from my shop floor of 119, but the lighting is not that good, and I am not the photographer, Matt is. But it will give you a sneak preview.


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Hey All,

Back from Barbers. Long drive but well worth it. This event just gets better every year. If there is only one show to go to....this is definitely it. For those that have been, I don't have to explain. For those that have not made sure you go if you get a chance

We got there at 12.00 on Thursday and started setting up. Even while doing that, had plenty of traffic wanting to check out the goods and especially the e-start kit. Friday and Saturday we saw a record number of people walking through our display. We were set up in our regular spot on the top tier of the Race pits. We used to be the lone display up there but starting last year more vendors were invited to set up a booth and this year we had at least 20 vendors showing all kinds of product and offering different services. Very cool

I want to Thank John Snead (STS) for spending most of his weekend at our booth talking to people about the kit. Great to have the technical guru right there to answer any questions.

Back to the e-start. I built a test rig that allowed people to see the kit up close and in detail while also being able to push the button to see how it all works

# 119 was completed and delivered at Barbers. This is the first cNw build with the e-start installed and while the test rig was getting plenty of attention we also fired the machine up every now and then. Didn't take but a blip on the starter button and she was running. Great positive engagement and very strong with no hesitation to turn over the fresh engine in # 119

Few pics to show the finished bike and what the starter kit looks like when combined with the cNw dual Keihin carb kit. It's tight but it sure looks great

Matt / Colorado Norton Works


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Goodness, that is one beautifully manufactured product.
If I had one of these e-starts I'd almost want a Plexiglas outer cover so I could watch the action inside.
The unit looks like it was made for #119, not some add-on unit retro fitted to the bike.

Great stuff. :)

I also set the final price on the complete kit. Consider that the retail includes a complete belt drive (with a new clutch center) as well as all electrical components (except a battery)

So rather than telling you what is included, it is easier to say what is not.

- Alternator. Stock type Lucas. Of course a high output version is recommended to ensure we keep the battery charged for the starter system
- Clutch pack. Stock type for a dry belt application. I like the Barnett and the clutch basket is designed to accept a std 850 stack with an additional steel plate and the std 850 pressure plate. This for a very nice, soft clutch pull
- Battery. We use a 21 series Shorai in our builds but as long as it's fresh, you can use a smaller version
- Outer primary cover. Our CNC machined inner cover will work with your stock outer cover

Other than the above, everything else is included. Inner primary, all gears, starter, electrical, belt drive, hardware and gaskets.

- 2,495.00 Polished primary with a chrome starter
- 2,495.00 Polished primary with a black starter
- 2,395.00 Satin primary with a chrome starter
- 2,395.00 Satin primary with a black starter

October/November will be a test month and late November we will start putting the kit together

Check the cNw website ... #post-1214 for large files of the above images

Matt / Colorado Norton Works


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A great display of Nortons and new technology. I was with some non-Norton, BMW fanatics and they were in awe of the beautiful Nortons.
They really enjoyed seeing the bikes. Good job CNW.

Very nice to see the final product, Matt. It looks great. And a reasonable price too.

very good indeed considering the belt drive is included, certainly gives the opposition something to think about, well done.
very good indeed considering the belt drive is included, certainly gives the opposition something to think about, well done.

a complete belt drive with both sprockets is included plus all electric starter stuff, minus new powerful battery I assume, for some $2500?

now that IS a very good price

I did not know the price included a belt drive

You have produced a VERY good bargain for any of our generation getting nearer the time when we'll be forced to consider options in order to continue to ride our beloved Commandos for many more years, or regrettably give them up.

Considering the marketplace value of a decent daily rider Commando these days, and the related but separate value of the belt drive kit, the overall value of the e-start package to elder Commando riders is well worth the price tag. One can only assume, but I believe the resale value of a CNW e-start equipped bike would be a plus, as well.

The fact that it is absolutely the highest quality in every aspect, is icing on the cake.

Well done to one and all who were involved in this project, we appreciate it!
Illustrated Parts Breakdown of the system

First IPB shows all components that will come with kit except the relay and starter switch

Second IPB shows kit with alternator (which is not part of the kit)


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vuuduu21 said:
Matt, will your set-up work with "S" style exhaust?


It should be no problem fitting the kit to an 'S' type bike. The starter hump is well inside the split in the primary halves so the header pipes will have clearance

Matt / Colorado Norton Works
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