New Commando owner

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They are nice- On the list to get later because I'm out of money. Been unemployed almost 3 years now, put myself through school for the second time, graduated in may, and there's no jobs here. I'm having legal troubles now so I can't move. At least I can go out and work on the Commando, and forget about everything for a few hours.

Next step- Trying to talk one of my friends into coming over to help me with the rear iso so I can get the oil tank in
REAR ISO's Finished!!!
Funny how just wanting to change the brakes and alternator has just about turned into a full build deciding to take everything apart to check out and learn about the bike. As you can see the rear iso's definitely needed to be changed! Nothing against the previous owner as the iso's are the only thing I have found wrong so far...Imagine he just didn't want to take the time to do it or was just waiting until something else needed to be done.

you can see how the weight affected it over the years
New Commando owner

side view...
New Commando owner

finally got the z-plates back on... starting to look like a bike again
New Commando owner

And a question... Should the washer in the middle be where it's at, or should it be on the inside of the shock bush?
New Commando owner
pelican said:
Should the washer in the middle be where it's at, or should it be on the inside of the shock bush?

In my opinion, it should be behind the shock bush, and not where it is, but check the caliper mounting plate has a recessed area on its outside face around the wheel spindle/axle hole of a depth that approximately matches the thickness of the inner R/H chain adjuster plate?
If so, then the caliper plate should be pulled tight against the inner face of the S/arm plate when the axle and shock bolt is tightened.
Speaking of the Costintino upgrade does anybody install the dual action innards from the short roadholder?
Received my rear sprocket yesterday, and finally threw the rear wheel back on
New Commando owner

New Commando owner

Of course the new rear axle nut I ordered didn't fit so now I have to order another one. Funny how every time you think you are done ordering parts and that you have everything you need; you don't.

Next up on the agenda
reinstall my battery tray
get the correct spacer for the gearbox sprocket
Get the correct rear axle nut and set up the wheel/chain...
finish the hyd. clutch install so I can get the gearbox cover back on
Get gearbox cover on, reinstall rear m/c, bleed, inner primary...etc....

"They are nice- On the list to get later because I'm out of money. Been unemployed almost 3 years now, put myself through school for the second time, graduated in may, and there's no jobs here. I'm having legal troubles now so I can't move."

And you went out and bought a Norton Commando? You must be a very brave man.
yeah, you only live once... Have all the parts, and 90% of the bike is new so hopefully I won't have to touch it for years to come except for the routine maintenence. I have enough left to live on for maybe 6 more months. Figured I would get a job last summer, and I'd be doing well. Now 6 months later I'm kinda worried, but I try not to think about it. Luckily I have no kids, rent/mortgage, or car payment. In the end I'll have a killer bike. Can always make money later :wink:

"Have all the parts, and 90% of the bike is new so hopefully I won't have to touch it for years to come except for the routine maintenence"

"I have no kids, rent/mortgage, or car payment"

I fear you are in for a rude shock. Not only do you have a child, but it's just been accepted into an Ivy League College ............and there's no Scholarship.
Diablouph said:

"They are nice- On the list to get later because I'm out of money. Been unemployed almost 3 years now, put myself through school for the second time, graduated in may, and there's no jobs here. I'm having legal troubles now so I can't move."

And you went out and bought a Norton Commando? You must be a very brave man.
I wouldn't call that "brave" ....I think there is a medical term for it. It's quite common actually. :)
Now be nice RennieK

We need to ease this fine young man into the cold, deep end of the pool. And, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t drown
I wasn't trying to be harsh, it's just that I fear I'm suffering from the same affliction:(

Given the circumstances I feel there is no better way out than what he is doing, completing the bike. As it sits he has too much invested in it to flip it as an incomplete bike and let someone else benefit from his labors and cash outlay. As a completed bike if he really had to sell he could get some much needed cash. But then as a single guy with no dependents there is likely no need to sell in the 1st place. It merely comes down to this: do you want to eat or should you get the parts you need. These are difficult choices.

We're all suffering from the same affliction. It's chronic, incurable. But we still press on searching for that last part that will complete the bike and make it STOP LEAKING.
Well yes, all that... but so much more. A new hobby, something to occupy my boring days, a sense of achievement as it gets closer to being done, learning, etc...

The whole story is I worked a slave labor job. Sometimes 70hrs a week; sometimes over 100hrs/wk. Sometimes months without a day off. I did this for 6 years. Plenty of money, BUT I was really unhappy, and I knew I would never have any kind of life if I stayed there... so I decided to go back to school for something different. After a year of school my mom said I could move in with her so I wouldn't be wasting my savings on rent-which was pretty great. Little did she know I would use that money from not paying rent to buy myself a commando as a graduation present! lol...

After I got the bike I wanted to replace little things like the oil lines, change the brakes, it needed a new tire... it became hey, why not get 2 tires? Sold the old brakes and paid for half the new ones, hey, I just saved half the money I planned on spending for brakes, why not get some instruments that light up, sell the old, just made some money maybe I can get some paint, :lol: etc... and like I said gives me something to do which I am enjoying.

So to sum up...yes, I spent more than I planned, but sounds like that's a common problem here :wink:, and if I have to go without in the future I can tough it out because of all the other things I've gained.

Back to normal rebuild thread...
I got one of those little oil tank breathers from cnw. What does everyone think of this set-up?

New Commando owner

Since I'm not using an assimilator there's a lot of room left on the battery tray. I drilled the hole bigger, and used the break cable holder that was on the bike to hold the breather.

New Commando owner

Still not certain if I want this here or the horn so I didn't tighten it down
not much going on... just small stuff because it's too cold... still working on the custom pegs and the sheetmetal brackets

this is after a week soaking in kerosene... no change from when I removed it so I knew the plating was gone
New Commando owner

this is after grandpaul had it replated with his stuff... 100% better!
New Commando owner

put the chain on, but have to wait until I can find someone to sit on it to adjust the tension... new exhaust finally came
New Commando owner

New Commando owner
Too cold?

GET A SMALL SPACE HEATER, and get back to work!

That's a sharp looking bike. I really like the lines of the Gunfighter seats, but I can't handle the fact that they feel like upholstered concrete blocks.
Can't see for sure, but with your bike up on the centerstand and the forks extended, it appears the front brake hydraulic line is also full extended,
Is it tight in that position? too short, could rip something loose is forks extend even a little more?
just a thought cause I had that problem with my new steel brake line and had to add a short extension...........
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