My '73 850 rebuild..

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Hortons Norton said:
Looks as if that trans may have suffered a layshaft bearing failure.

Thinking so. The layshaft bearing that was installed was a nice roller bearing that we plan on reusing. Unfortunately, the main bearing either didn't get replaced at the same time or cooked itself afterward and needed to be replaced this time around. The transmission was just waiting to grenade itself..Good thing we took it apart, I guess.

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

The transmission case was painted with some semi-gloss high-temp engine paint. Looks really good, IMO. The outer cover still needs to be cleaned up (it will NOT be painted) before being put back on.

We had to overcome some issues with the wonky kickstarter shaft that I bought (the bushing inside the shaft had to be reamed and pushed in order for the gearbox to close and the kickstarter had to be pried open a bit more to fit over the splines on the shaft), but everything else with the gearbox went back together fine.

I went with a 19T final drive gear (instead of the 22T that came with the bike). I wanted to go with a 20, but we didn't have one and I didn't feel like wasting even more money. 19T should be fine considering how little highway riding I do.

We were going to get the oil bag mounted in, neoprene lines run, the rear fender installed, and the rear wheel put back on, but we couldn't find any nylocks at Dad's that fit the upper oil bag mounts so I need to go buy some tomorrow before that can be done. Nevertheless, the oil filter is mounted, the oil bag is in place (just not tightened down), and most of the lines are run.

I need to clean up the outer transmission cover and the motor and inner primary cover still need painted.

Slow progress, as usual, but we're getting there.

Delicious to view. I'm going with black case and shiny cover myself but you beat me to it so looking forward to your highlights here. If ya had to spread the kick lever to slide on, likely will want to also widen that gap so it clamps on to more than a few splines much more solid.
hobot said:
Delicious to view. I'm going with black case and shiny cover myself but you beat me to it so looking forward to your highlights here. If ya had to spread the kick lever to slide on, likely will want to also widen that gap so it clamps on to more than a few splines much more solid.

IMO, the semigloss black (motor/tranny/inner primary) look outstanding with nice, polished outer pieces (outer gearbox cover/outer primary cover). It's a different look but I like it a lot. That's how dad did his Nortumph so I already know it will look great.

I think the kicker will be fine. I have to go pick up a longer bolt tomorrow, along with those nylocks got the upper oil bag mounts.

Looking great,
I hope she handle's Ok, Any thought on Fork up-grades?
NOT THAT I AM PUSHING THE LANSDOWNE KITS....I need a 3 month rest from them!
Best Regards
Hello Jordan i dont know if its just my eyes or the angle of the photo but the teeth on that sprocket look chewed out and bent to me ?
I think you missed an angle on those exterior shots...

zing (shoe flying past ear)
I like the black transmission case, are you going to do the engine base in black too?

Jeandr said:
I like the black transmission case, are you going to do the engine base in black too?


The entire motor (not just the lower end) will be painted black, as will the inner primary.

john robert bould said:
Looking great,
I hope she handle's Ok, Any thought on Fork up-grades?
NOT THAT I AM PUSHING THE LANSDOWNE KITS....I need a 3 month rest from them!
Best Regards

Probably just stock forks for now. Should be more than sufficient for me!
blaisestation said:
Hello Jordan i dont know if its just my eyes or the angle of the photo but the teeth on that sprocket look chewed out and bent to me ?

The sprocket looked ok when we were cleaning it up. Must just be the angle.
Good luck with stable mounted kick lever, mine then to need attention even using care kicking with slight mods to make it hold tight. Then a booger to remove. I may grind flats to get a puller on next time.

Ms Peel's going All Black too, but not completely on purpose. I wanted barrels/head Black Body Emission coated while at Swains internal coating and they did the crankcases too. Its semi-gloss but not dull black. What I wonder now is if I would like or even should remove the fin edges to highlight the shape of the engine with some brightness showing instead of complete black lump with shiny covers. A photo of your Dad's engine would be a treat to me if ya get around-to-it.

I don't recognize the tank shape nor the dual pin stripe, what ya got there?
My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

My '73 850 rebuild..

After some welding, prior to painting. The side stand had been removed from the bike when we got it because it had been pushed too far and the bike was supposedly leaning over too far. We still need to do some welding on the frame to clean it up there, too. Once that's done and the side stand is back on, the motor should be nearly ready to go back in. Dad's been working on the paint in his free time.

We should (hopefully) be able to make some significant progress this weekend. It would be nice to have the rear end completely assembled, motor & oil bag installed, and the front forks broken down.

We're getting there..

When I first saw it I figured that the head had been masked and it was just paint covering the masking. Thought you had done the same thing with the cases. To each his own. It may look different but its your bike and it will still be a Commando unless of course you rake the front end and turn it into a chopper. Than you will have gone off the deep end and be considered an object of pity rather than admiration.
JimR said:
When I first saw it I figured that the head had been masked and it was just paint covering the masking. Thought you had done the same thing with the cases. To each his own. It may look different but its your bike and it will still be a Commando unless of course you rake the front end and turn it into a chopper. Than you will have gone off the deep end and be considered an object of pity rather than admiration.

The rocker box covers will be left unpainted. Everything else is going to be black. It sure beats ugly cream-colored epoxy with chips in it (the barrels) and crap-brown (the lower end). the head didn't necessarily need painted but with the lower end and barrels being painted it didn't make much sense not painting the head as well.

And we already have one horrid commando chopper to try to bring back.. I think that's plenty. ;)

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