The transmission case was painted with some semi-gloss high-temp engine paint. Looks really good, IMO. The outer cover still needs to be cleaned up (it will NOT be painted) before being put back on.
We had to overcome some issues with the wonky kickstarter shaft that I bought (the bushing inside the shaft had to be reamed and pushed in order for the gearbox to close and the kickstarter had to be pried open a bit more to fit over the splines on the shaft), but everything else with the gearbox went back together fine.
I went with a 19T final drive gear (instead of the 22T that came with the bike). I wanted to go with a 20, but we didn't have one and I didn't feel like wasting even more money. 19T should be fine considering how little highway riding I do.
We were going to get the oil bag mounted in, neoprene lines run, the rear fender installed, and the rear wheel put back on, but we couldn't find any nylocks at Dad's that fit the upper oil bag mounts so I need to go buy some tomorrow before that can be done. Nevertheless, the oil filter is mounted, the oil bag is in place (just not tightened down), and most of the lines are run.
I need to clean up the outer transmission cover and the motor and inner primary cover still need painted.
Slow progress, as usual, but we're getting there.