I was on my ZX-14 at a hot spring in Yellowstone when a group of Japanese tourists pulled up. At the sight of The Blue Whale (my pet name for it), they went all atwitter, ooohing and ahhing and fawning over it. Then one of the men intimated (no English) he wanted to sit on it and have one of the others take a picture. I indicated no problem, so they went ahead. then, the oldest little old lady in the group wanted to sit on it and have her picture taken, which also proceeded. They thanked me and gathered their stuff, piled back in the rented Suburban and took off without even looking at the hot spring. I would never call them "Japs" but if someone referred to the Whale as a Jap bike, it doesn't bother me. Unknown whether any of them would be offended since they only knew a few words of English and I only know a few Japanese words. I hear some Brits don't appreciate being called "Poms". I'm German by heritage and if someone calls me a 'dumb f#(*ing Dutchman, I don't take offense. Kraut doesn't bother me either, although some German-Americans detest it because that's one of the words Americans used to denote Nazis in WWII. Sometimes I think people should just grow a skin.