Hi there,
Here are the good and bad news from my 920 big valves engine:
The good one: the engine is going fast, very fast, the last weeks I was working on the carbs settings and I must be close to the ideal setting but I must go back to the dyno with the gas analizer to be 100 % sure, I put the bell mouths back on the carbs with a Pipercross dual socket airfilter, that act as a air box around the bell mouths, with this the engine bread better.
Here are the setting from the Keihin 35 FCR ON MY ENGINE
Main jet: 145
Main air jet: 200
Pilot jet: 58
Pilot gas screw: 1turn out
Pilot air screw: 1.5 turn out
Jet needel: EMR, clip on notch four from the top.
The bad one: I blow the 0.6mm head gasket, not between the bores, but between the RH bore and the head bolt in front of the spark plug, I dont see any reason for that... or better I see a lot of reason for this: to lean buit I dont think so, I did a lot of plug check and never to lean, to mutch advance I have 27 BTDC , maybe I must go to 26 or 24 ? The compression to high ? or the head gasket him self, the gasket was lazer cut here in Belgium, or the quality of the cooper?
Maybe the 0.6 gasket is to thin, so I put a 0.8mm to lower the compression and I did a road test and I realy don't feel any difference in performance.
Anyway I have to find a solution for the head gasket and the solution is in Germany, the factory name is Elring Klinger, the manufacture all kind of head gasket and they will have the solution, there is always a solution!!
Keep you posted