Hi There, Good news to day, I receive the results from the two experts, they agree to give me 20.000 euro's and I can keep the remains from my old bike, this same good to me, not very good, but good... keep in mind that I still have the 920 engine in the bike, the Ceriani forks, the Fontana drum brakes, the TTI gearbox and more usefull stuff.
Now I am waiting for the payment from the insurance to pick-up my new bike, you wish to know witch one, but I keep it secret till the bike is in my workshop, the only thing I can say: it's a Seeley MK 2 with a 750 engine with the best components you can find around the world and the bike is put togeter by one of the few top Norton builders in the world. And it's not one of the two british Seeley from Ebay....
Now about my healt: I am still in the weelchair, on february 7, I was in the hospital for a tchek-up and the doctor says four weeks more without puting force on my hip, at the moment I can walk with the rolator, but this is forbiden by the doctors, thanks to the Kine I can raise my leg 60 degrees when I lay down and 45 degrees sideway when I stand up.
Very funny it's wats happens to me a few days a go: every day I take the electrical weelchair to go to the bakkery dowtown the village, on my garage there is a ramp
and I did a mistake and the chair turn over, so I stay 30 minutes on the frozen ground whit the heavy chair over my body, then somebody discover me and ask neigbours for help, nothing more broken.
All my other broken bones are more or less OK, only my wound above my knee is still open, not painfull and usefull to put my coins for the bakkery.
Becouse I was smoking more as a Jawa 250 two stroke, the doctors send me to the hospital for a scan of my longs: they are black but this is becouse I stay 10 years as a kid in Belgiam Congo
Keep you posted