Craig said:
Not sure what you mean Hobot ... but have heard not all combats created equal ... later serial numbers were given upgraded mains ? maybe that what I think I heard or read ... as for my bike ... it be genuine Norton Combat Commando with all the required tell tales except of course a hole in it ... to tame I run a 21 tooth counter shaft sprocket and a single 34vm mikuni ... no need for anything more ... Ducati is for thrills now...
Then I guess it's not a combat anymore, is it. Oh, unless, of course, you say it is.
Please dont, take me wrong. But I feel there are strong debatable issues here.
When I purchased my 72, I knew it had a Combat head and therefore it was a Combat in my mind. I joined the forum shortly thereafter. I had to came to the realization that all I really had was a Roadster with Cambat head. I also realized that all a Combat was is a Roadster with 4 addons.
I feel the front disc brake does not count cause they wre going that way anyhow. The head, we now know, is basically garbage and offers no real performance gains except to allow for the 32mm carbs. The 32mm Amal's may have contributed to many over rev'ed failures by allowing the hi rpm overruns in the first place. My early bike had 30's and in my mind felt that they were there to help detune the volital situatuon. Again, in my mind, my sick ass mind.
Now we come to the cam. If anything, the 2s is what makes/made a Combat a "Combat". Please excuse my freedom with the term, "Combat" was and seems the continue to be a marketing ploy.
I know that if I was in a position to purchase a Combat designation, I, and I am sure many more, would feel a responsibility to dismantle and confirm integrity before we could feel right about ringing it out.
Some years ago I got my hand on a real good set of updated reinforced cases 210xxx to replace the tired but usable 200xxx's. This older set was purchased by a member in the UK and are running now, I believe. Inside I found a standard cam, no suprise there, roller bearings in the drive side and ball in the timing side, all in good condition. That told me that this set of early cases have been opened at least once before.
I have added a many performace enhancements and have put in a lot of time to get it where it is today. It has a 149xxx frame, 210xxx crankcase and 235xxx gearbox. In my mind it is one awesome Combat. But that 's my problem and for the sake of continuity my signiture states something else.
Is the Combat desirable? It seems to be, at least in the minds of many.
Does the OEM Combat deserve the exaltation that many give it? That's where I have a hard time and is the source my issues with a 73 Combat with 220xxx cases.
All that being said, gortnipper must assume it is a true combat for it has all the specs.