Interesting Motorcycle Vids

Mayhem test ride plus Purple Helmets

Pure silly-ness in UK mud run what ya brung.

When kids leave theater after this one they are at risk of never making it home.

I want to try this on Ms Peel with crash cage on for safety.
I've studied that video a number of times. If they had a power house of torque like a Commando they could spin rear around instead of braking and if they get the dang knee out the way they could lean enough not to hi side powering rear out to steer while always accelerating. If they flipped to straight steer then could wedge rear edge down harder and hook up more power, so have to go in lot hotter to break free in time.
The older gentleman on the bike with the silver tank (it's from an insurance commercial, I think) is on a 4-cylinder Honda, maybe a 550. The last couple of seconds zooms out a bit and you can see the four pipes.
I dont wanna tickle , just wanna ride my motorsycle . Arlow Guthrie .

Moto Humor - to keep ya guessing
AJS pipe bending and first start...

pipe is filled with sand so as not to crimp while bending, want to try this on smaller stuff.....
edit...did try it on smaller stuff, made a rack out of 1/2" 16 ga tubing and it came out OK...
Good point JAW, someone needs to video the Commando smooth riding orgasmic action and sound effects but might loose control on peaks w/o a few rod links added.
Mr. Backwards doing it @ age 68. Inspiring to me.
Digital animation cycles

Old School skinny tires that turn sharpely
New age balloon tires that just hop around.
Samuel Clemens says the basis of humor is tragedy.