Interesting Motorcycle Vids


Garrdner , three wheelers ( steve ) & Gardening . ( norton idleing in background :? )
"Your father's sport bike"
(Skip to 5:00 and fullscreen mode for a minute of desktop riding while your bored at work)
Found myself always trying to look up past the top edge of the screen to better see up the road. His helmet cam was pointed a little too low. Made me cringe a few times too!

Those slo mo IOM video and homeslice;s flexy flyer pointer got me looking up slow motion race and crash video again to see what's going wrong or right and where best to place the corner caster wheels on Peel's cage. I mean to say they are giving em hell lifting rears going into turns and fronts leaving them. Makes my wonder if I lost touch with reality riding these balloon tire wonders > off the ground as much as it feels like, but nope here's more evidence. Ya see real racers know how to ride the wavering razor edges on greased wiggle worms but I end up over doing it right off the bat into flight envelope lessons.

Mesmerizing to get bike spun loose crossed up equilibrium then maneuver around that base line. here its slow mo smooth, out here its a rock, animal, wash out or limb, drifting right at it till cut shorter to bob around it, which a foot down won't allow.

like water skiing ugh till a bit of wake upsets the ski
So if your rear wheel is off the ground your ass should be off the seat until the rear wheel settles back down?

I should of posted this on the Flexy post of homeslice/Kenny, but depends whether jump is done in line like elite racers or side ways like hayseeds and how hi the bike jumped for the bang down whether you want to take it in or out of saddle planting. Ya don't have to do much nor can ya do much if launched like these IOM leapers in straight-ish leaps but try to get bike to land evenly as possible and keep head away form bars for the slam down. Best to have rear touch first though.

No one can do turns like me on tri-linked Ms Peel so its impossible to convey even with accurate description, its unbelievable. The leaps I talk about to let modern bikes settle before landing are done by sideways hi side leaps and you definitely better not be out of locked in center of saddle at any point during that maneuver of you will never get butt back in saddle before crashed. You can't do this type phase 4 turn w/o going in harsher faster than racers do in crash video as must go in so harsh you will crash trying to keep bike even in a toe hole of contact.

I crashed a Ninja @ ~120 mph ie: 14000 rpm in 3rd to 4th shift because it stood on rear tire and wobbled bike right out from under to low side then hi side landing on my head with bike on top. I detest unintended wheelies.

You work up to this on moderns till the bike is tank slapping juddering like seen in race video turns, then that tells ya how much faster to go in to let it-make it low side into a tank slap for the hi side save air borne long and far enough the chassis has settled down to take the landing predictably control ably. Its about sharpest way to turn but not always fastest way as harsh acceleration hesitates while air borne. Its just a way not to ever need brakes or loosing momentum in switch back chicances so can accelerate though them more like seires of short WOT upright sprints. All turning in phase 4 is done with bike off surface after the initial throw down/trip out by power and straight steering, as seen in crash of Stone movie.

On Peel I got sense of how much power for the speed and traction/temps to pull this off by snicking gear and throttle UP <where ya see all the rest hard on brake lights>, then I tip her a bit to feel her suddenly trip down by tire spin, then give more power upright and do the turn by series of little tip trips down skips till rear drifts out a bit to hook a jerk back up right for more power increase to be able to trip out the next short straight in decreasing radius turns. All turns become fast decreasing radius done this way. Allows finishing turn and a shift up out of there before normal bikes/riders have even made it to apex max tip over.

Realize it takes more than normal Combat power to do this up to 80-90 mph and it better not wheelie while pulling more forward G's than stands the moderns up on end. I don't think traction and wheelie digital control will allow moderns to do this nor balloon tires on edge enough traction and control to punch through phase two w/o oh oh's.

This is part of a series called Throttle Jockey that was produced by The LA times, go figure. Susan Carpenter is a Banshee on a bike, the Moto Guzzi piece is a crack up.
I do like the details and cleaver engineering and steam punk fittings and shapes of that Black Falcon and trying for a sense of it in my slow special project.

Appreciate the thrill of the cold riding on light snow, but shoot hardly any turns involved and knobbies to help out on the essentially level path. Its more like dirt riding than hard bases that tires can't dig in so easier to get away with learning bike behavior w/o full traction. Helps to keep rev's up in lower gears so throttle lightly spins tire to help ease around w/o leaning as much. Looks like they were hitting up to 60 in places.
Seely 850 on board . I.o.M.

Manx on bd at Spa .

Theres gonna be trouble if we run out of electricity one of these days . :?

More Lunatics . :P
:lol: :roll:
Buster Keaton on a motorcyle 1924, not a talkie yet.

Trunips beats Norton IOM>

Ya with sandals

I really enjoy this mans repair videos of this 850 Norton Estart with issues.
Do not view before bed time...
This is a 7 part video. It will have you laughing... Here is a link to part one. These guys go from Colorado to the Panama Canal. One of the thumpers blows a lower end so they trade them in for 2 strokes.

speirmoor said:
Ok so what make of bike is this?

I could be wrong, but it looks like a Honda CB550/4 (or is it a 750/4) in café racer trim with non standard wheels from somewhere else.
Something a bit different and funny - Norton Commando Transformer. Wish I could reassemble a Commando that fast!

