Too interesting


Jul 12, 2015
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I got up at 7:30AM this morning thinking about all I need to get done. Started the coffee maker and as usual checked in here. Read and reacted to the new stuff, had breakfast, and checked again. Cleaned up some gears I had soaking in EvapoRust and check here again. Did a little paperwork and shipping, checked in here again. Rinse and repeat.

I'm sure glad I don't participate in any other social media! It's now 4:20PM and other than those gears have accomplished nothing I planned for today. While writing this I see two more notifications - I'll hopefully just read them and then head to the shop.

Ya'll are being too darned interesting!
Sunday morning here and all quiet on the eastern front, might fire up the Norton later and take it for a spin, just coming on 9:30am and its already up to 30c and very humid with another cyclone forming off the Queensland coast, all we need now is more rain.
In between checking I picked up my car from the shop and I watched a guy trouble shoot a Yamaha generator in three parts YouTube series and then the day was gone. Even my projects are virtual.
In between checking I picked up my car from the shop and I watched a guy trouble shoot a Yamaha generator in three parts YouTube series and then the day was gone. Even my projects are virtual.
I did make it to the shop and worked for three hours. Got a total of 4 of the 7 things planned for today done - of course the other three were the big things I needd to do. :(

In my younger years I would still be there until I finished, but like you, it's YouTube time!
I did make it to the shop and worked for three hours. Got a total of 4 of the 7 things planned for today done - of course the other three were the big things I needd to do. :(

In my younger years I would still be there until I finished, but like you, it's YouTube time!
Hang in there Greg! 👍
I've been awake today for nearly seven hours so far ...

not yet dressed but I've had breakfast, watched some telly, browsed the internet and then some .... and then I'll play a computer game for a few hours ( the original Far Cry )

I have a BIG list of things " to do " for today Lol !!!

Gotta love being retired :cool:

I reckon we have ALL earned the freedom to relax when desired and to choose when we do our chores.

For the last three days I've been tidying up my workshop and getting all clean and tidy as tomorrow I'll be up early to take an engine to the machinists with a 6 hr drive all in .... so..... I'm not lazy after all

Gotta love being retired :cool:
Blimey, you Boyz :rolleyes:

Certainly NOT like that in my world!

Don’t forget wot Clint said y’all…

Too interesting
Rinse and repeat - coffee brewing. Only four on the schedule today. I guess I'll be happy if I get a cradle painted and a front iso powder coated - they are prep'ed and ready.

Like Clint, Sophia Loren said that she stayed young by not allowing herself to make noises when get got up from a chair or out of bed.

There is no doubt in my mind that the more you are inactive, the quicker you die. But also, that you have to enjoy what you do to stay active. I would be a lot better off if I went to a gym three or four days a week. I enjoyed that at one time - not anymore. These days I still work seven days a week, but I do what I want to do and I refuse to set deadlines.
Gotta love Clint 😍

That said, having worked for a living all my life ( worked even from pre-teen years ) I'm now sticking it to the system / the man etc by doing what I want for a change 😁

I've always been busy and my wife said I'd be bored being retired - some hope never been busier or happier :cool: .......
So, what is it like in your world - you are on here more than anyone else :D
I come here for a quick rest !

Up at 06.00… breakfast… walk the 3 dogs… quick gym… take one daughter horse riding… couple of hours of (late) month end admin… leave home in order to be at client site early tomorrow morning.
Fast Eddie, just wait til you retire you'll still be doing stuff like " Up at 06.00… breakfast… walk the 3 dogs… quick gym… take one daughter horse riding… couple of hours of (late) month end admin… " etc etc

but after that all that the " leave home in order to be at client site early tomorrow morning " will be a distant dream

and the time spent on such activities as above ^^^ plus your 8 hr daily grind ( I can appreciate you may enjoy your work, I did ) will suddenly be YOUR ALL YOURS

Maybe there will be visions of world domination ? Who knows ?

Perhaps the Highways Authority will have laid some new tarmac by then :eek:
Fast Eddie, just wait til you retire you'll still be doing stuff like " Up at 06.00… breakfast… walk the 3 dogs… quick gym… take one daughter horse riding… couple of hours of (late) month end admin… " etc etc

but after that all that the " leave home in order to be at client site early tomorrow morning " will be a distant dream

and the time spent on such activities as above ^^^ plus your 8 hr daily grind ( I can appreciate you may enjoy your work, I did ) will suddenly be YOUR ALL YOURS

Maybe there will be visions of world domination ? Who knows ?

Perhaps the Highways Authority will have laid some new tarmac by then :eek:
I get your point, I really do.

I’m just trying to hide my envy (from myself) I guess !!
Shoot I have to cruise AccessNorton, BritBike, TriumphRat (do any mod duty), TriumphTalk (also a mod), ZRXOA, TwoWheeledTexans, the fecebook ZRX, POIM, Norton, British, Triumph, Vintage, Racing, Navy, WilCo Vets, and a few others by the time my coffee is finished (I'm using a 20 oz mug now)

Then make breakfast for any kids heading to school, (as of YESTERDAY, I only have to drive one of 'em if it's Biblical rain proportions), let the dog out to pee and give her a MilkBone, Check the e-mail, update/confirm anything financial that may have come in, answer any important e-mails, THEN I'm ready to start my day. Usually it's 8:30 by then.

Prep a sandwich of whatever for lunch, hop in the truck (or on the bike) and it's 9:15-9:30 by the time I get to the ranch.

Unlock, open the appropriate doors, turn on the appropriate lights, put on some appropriate music, and I start working by 10.

I usually close the doors and head out before 6 so I can have dinner by 7. Then, download all the photos I've taken, rotate, crop and re-size them, put them in the appropriate digital folders on my USB chip, then post up to whichever appropriate forums or groups.

Sometimes, at the 8:30 point, a thread, threads, or e-mail will take me off my routine, and before I know it, it's noon and I eat lunch or take Sally out for lunch.

Other times, like Tuesday, we tossed a change of clothes in our backpack & saddlebags and did a 100 mile ride to Fredericksburg to enjoy some good German food and just enjoy the nice weather. We were back by Wednesday evening. I like those days best.

Too interesting

The only thing I HAVE TO / NEED TO do these days is get the 13-year-old up, fed and out the door by 8:45. After that, I really have no NEED to do any particular thing, unless I WANT to.
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I've been awake today for nearly seven hours so far ...

not yet dressed but I've had breakfast, watched some telly, browsed the internet and then some .... and then I'll play a computer game for a few hours ( the original Far Cry )

I have a BIG list of things " to do " for today Lol !!!

Gotta love being retired :cool:

I reckon we have ALL earned the freedom to relax when desired and to choose when we do our chores.

For the last three days I've been tidying up my workshop and getting all clean and tidy as tomorrow I'll be up early to take an engine to the machinists with a 6 hr drive all in .... so..... I'm not lazy after all

Gotta love being retired :cool:
Its a good feeling walking into a work area thats been fully tidied up and ready for action. Especially when you took the time to do it.