Importing Norton Parts and Customs

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Pony express and royal mail were here long before the courier companies but the courier companies are lobbing gov and trying to cripple them (their worst competition) how ever they can but they are still the best. UPS (pronounce You Pi Ss me off), gouges us on extra fees BUT they own all their own planes and could care less what they ship as long as there is money in it for them (so less red tape). Fedex is far more stringent on what they ship, specially on certain international shipments as they use a lot of regular airlines to give you their fast service so unfortunately they are the worst for red tape (think passenger safety). Fedex has done back flips for me so I hate to bad mouth them. Canada/Us is is no issues but I shipped a computer to Ireland once that was terrible for red tape through fedex.

If you go on line to Canada Customs you can look up the commodity number of what you are shipping and find out what the duty will be before you ship. At one time you could just pick up the phone and call them and a guy would look it up for you and tell you the amount. There is no duty on antiques, anything more than 35 years old so putting "antique Motorcycle parts" on the description should help avoid duties.
Custom's lable to the Uk states....GIFTS valued over £40 will attract VAT? Can you imagin sending a christmas present to a mate...the lable say's Merry christmas, by the way this is worth 75 bucks and will attract VAT! Custom's? more like SCROOGE!
Used / Vintage / Antique Harley Davidson parts stipulated on the box may esacpe the charges. Though this does sound like the US market trying to protect itself from imports. Typical ''we will sell to the world, but the world can not sell here'' attitude. Reminds of the time when I was working in Point Loma Naval Base in 1998, when a US serviceman said that there was lengthy waiting time for new Harleys in the US, he was surprised that at the time there was very little waiting time in the UK for any new Harley - export sales worth more than the home market!
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