Importing Norton Parts and Customs

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A long time ago, I sent my cradle to Nithburgh in CAN and he specifically said to put on the package about vintage M/C. Don't know what that was about but he was convinced it kept it out of customs issues. He even said not to even think about UPS. Personally I like the US Priority for in States mail. I can get small packages from Calif in 2 days for around $5. It's too bad so many people are locked into UPS.

Rocky Point Cycle sends parts all over the world, they are all labled as "Antique motorcycle parts" and have never been challenged. The one time I send an electronic ignition to Canada (overnight) it was labled as an "electronics hardware kit" it bounced back and forth for two days before the customs folk in Canada passed it on. KISS rules.

It seems to be more luck than anything else,
I've had a lot of stuff including a complete Triumph motor shipped to France with no customs/import fees. However I've been stung for about 100 Euros for a new bike jacket that cost about 150 USD (also imported into France).
I've been screwed for import duties every time I've had anything sent to my UK address, regardless of the price or physical size.
The last one was a pair of secondhand clip ons (thanks bwolfie :)) that cost about 100 USD and cost me an additional 30 Euro to import into Belgium, yet the pair of fork sliders that were also about 100 USD arrived at the door with no added costs.

So today I filled out the D.O.T. form stating that the brake hose was a factory part, Or something like that. She walked me through filling out the thing, no big deal. And then had a list of some of the parts that needed a description of what they were made of, type of metal, rubber, fibre washer, cork and so on. Finished and was told that was it. She also said the parts would be on the way, go figure??? I have had quite a few things sent from overseas and this is the first time this has happened, Bad Luck or is this the new world order? Now to see if they will (Fed Ex) will stick me with some sort of bull Sh*t fee. I need to get out and ride! Thanks again guys. :roll:
I ordered a Belstaff jacket from England (Urban Rider)and got the runaround from FedEx.They phoned me up wanting to know the manufacturer,material where it was made etc. They claimed that I was an "importer" and that US customs wouldnt release it without this information. I called BS saying I wasnt filling out anything as it was only a jacket. I contacted the store that sold it to me and they replied its happening more and more these days and there wasnt anything they could do. I caved in rather than lose the shipping costs .FedEx emailed me some form which I faxed back and soon received the jacket along with a bill a week later for $50 in excise taxes.
In my case, I've never been asked to pay anything in advance. A couple of times, I was requested to send some custom fees to after parts were received. They identified the parts, the seller, etc. Small fees, very small. I mailed them a check, made out to their company. Seemed legit, and I sent the money to Florida, not Nigeria. Didn't want my next order to get held up because I refused to pay. Seems like a strange way to do business, and the last time I bought something from this vendor in the UK, nothing was mentioned, nor received after the item arrived.
To be clear Urban Rider were great during the whole process it was FedEx that billed me. They (FedEx) paid the excise fees and then passed them on to me.
Chris said:

I imported a nice cylinder head back to England a few years ago & was asked for 20%vat plus customs charge on the total cost ie part plus postage. I told them that it was a part made in England for a Norton motorbike and was told that if I could prove this they would not charge me as tax would have already been paid! How! the company was long gone! Didnt win because I couldnt win!
Having a gift sent to you from a friend is the best way of getting parts.

No, not quite, if it was exported it would not be subject to purchase tax at that time or VAT.
But you have my sympathies, it seems there are some jobsworth working in customs now, so I guess you should state that they are vintage parts.
Another motorcyclist tipped me off about U.P.S. ,Fed Ex carriers and their exhorbitant cross-border handling fee(s) a while back so I have ALWAYS specified ship regular slow U.S. post only ,that I will not accept anything delivered from these carriers. This has always worked for me and the vendor ,some are hip to this issue and some need gentle education. I bet these carriers make more money by carrying that clipboard into the Custom's office than delivering the goods. Marking GIFT in large letters from a private individual or seller or friend or relative is another good method to be sure. A business won't do that but Auntie Hazel who loves you could pick it up and send it. It could be prepaid by your credit card so she would only need local postage to be reimbursed with a tin of her favourite cookies for X-mas.
DogT said:
I think when RGM and Hemmings send stuff it's got papers showing antique motorcycle items.


Same declaration when I've gotten stuff from AMC Classic Spares in Bedfordshire, UK and Walridge in Ontario
I recently ordered a pair of Hood riding jeans from the UK. As was the case with the Alton E-start from Norville (UK), there was no duty charged or any delay to a TX address. Both were sent via one of the UK mailing or shipping outfits, I don't recall which one.
Living on the US / Can border, I have a PO box in Niagara Falls NY. Anything I buy mail order in the US, I have shipped to the box. They e-mail me that its in, I go over and pick it up. While I'm there I fill up the gas tank grab a 12 pack The price difference in the gas makes the beer free and covers the $3.25 bridge fare. I save a bundle on shipping rates, and a week or so. If it's under $100 Customs waves me through. Round trip under an hour.
Well the box arrived without any fees, They did open it i can tell that much. I really don't have too much to complain about outside of the fact the seller didn't have the proper paperwork, that is what it sounded like from customs. It's just too bad if this is the way it's going to be in the future, Another way for them to get their hands in our pockets. I just hope I don't have a bill of some sort on the way.
J.A.W. said:
Here in Aus, GST [=VAT/sales tax] is 10% .
However it is not collected on international/internet/ bought/imported items under $1,000-
Due to the cost of collecting it - having been assessed by the govt - as greater than the net amount collected...

Motorcycle parts coming into Australia above the threshold also attract an additional 5% duty and some other small fees, as well as the gst( vat).
So $2000 won't become $2200, it will be closer to $2350. I frequently am presented with lower than reality assessments of what people think they could buy something for.
Hello, dont get parts shipped with Fedex.

It is my belief that the US customs have delegated some import management to them and in order to keep this going they go to extreme lengths to answers every possible combination of questions, particularly keen to get the exact material content of all items being imported.

Suggest you use the local carrier from the country you are importing from. That way the import duties are set by the customs officers of the USA and not the carrier.

If youare importing used parts ensure the customs declaraion stipulates they are used and also the country of manufacture.

I declare $100 on the dampers,, and state Pre 1972 Motorcycle fork parts..not heard any reports of import duties ...yet!

BUT i have paid vat and handling charges this side of the pond on items valued at over £15.
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