How to post photos.


Jul 12, 2015
Country flag
Haven’t been on the forum for quite awhile, wasn’t sure how to post photos. I use to use Photobucket, but no longer have.
Become a VIP member and posting photos is easy if not you have to go through a host similar to photobucket.
If you become a VIP member you support the site and help Jerry to keep going.
I hardly hear it mentioned, but PLEASE

Frame your photos properly
"Landscape" for most bike shots, and try not to crop off the edges of the tires or the tail light.
"Portrait" for vertical views like front and/or rear shots of bikes.
TRY to take photos in front of a plain background, or at least not one with garbage bins, garden hoses and/or decrepit bicycles and old shoes
Move in (or zoom in) to reduce the amount of excess foreground, background, and sky/trees/buildings, etc
Download photos to a laptop and rotate, trim, crop as needed, then resize to approx 1000 pixels wide, or 800 pixels tall. Any bigger than that is pretty much a waste except for final / "keeper" beauty shots.
